Taking CCW course next month


New member
So I am taking a CCW class in Anchorage next month through a local company. I am more then confident that I will pass the class. But I was wondering if anyone could explain how this works. I am copying and pasting a paragraph from the test part on their website. It says

The course will cover the defensive and tactical applications along with the mental conditioning, handling and operational skills needed to manipulate the weapons system. Also covered are the material on less lethal force and the liabilities. At the end of the course there will be a written test with 25 Q&A with both true/false and multiple choice and a live fire qualification the following day.

The qualification is a 22 round drill. Starting from the 3 yard line and continuing from the 5, 7, 10 and 15 yard distances. There is a total possible score of 110 points with a passing score being a minimum of 77 points (70%) and higher.

The second part that is bolded is what my question is on. So there are 5 differnt areas to shoot from (3,5,7,10, and 15 yards). But you get 22 rounds for a minimum of 77 points (70%).

Is anyone familiar with this test or how this will be operated? How many rounds you get per section?

Sorry if this is a tough question, I know every place is different but I am curious as to if anyone knows or can shed some light on this for me.
Thanks :)
Wow. Totally opposite of the NC class which was in itself a law class. No weapons instruction. There was actually a man at the class that needed help loading his Browning Hi Power. Scary. I think we qualified at 3 and 7 yard. My dog could have hit those targets. I have never be one do advocate pre qualifications, but from what I saw in our class the idea did cross my mind that there should be. Sorry about that rant and didn't mean to hijack, but the difference just struck me somehow. Good luck.
I left Alaska before they started any CCW program ('94) but from what I understand you don't need a permit in AK.

BUT, like Wyoming, we don't have to have a permit but they still offer them for those who want to travel in other states who reconized WY's permits.

I don't know if you posted all or part of the subjects taught, assuming you did:

I would never recommend a CC class that did not cover the state weapon, and use of force laws.

I'm not against training, I'm all for it, but besides shooting, you need to learn the laws of your state.

I just went through this with my daughter. After her kids went off to college she found herself alone and decided to go the CC route (with a bit of pushing by me and her brothers).

The CC class didn't have much shooting. The shooting portion she could have passed without any training. But it covered the laws, when and where she could carry, and self defence laws of her state.

Then we got her to attend a basic firearms class followed by an advanced class. Now we're looking at a more advanced class.

But I'm drifting. You need to re-evaluate your class, find one that teaches when and where and state laws. Then move on to advanced SD shooting courses.

Being the best shooter in the world ain't going to help you if you run afowl of your state laws.
I am pretty sure you can start carrying now in Alaska, as CC/OC is legal w/o permit. But still get it for other reasons.
Yes, here in Alaska you can legally conceal carry without a permit. However, I do want to be a AK State Trooper or a police officer here in Alaska after college (1 more year :cool:). I want to do everything I can to make myself standout and to better qualify myself to when it comes time to apply, and after talking to multiple criminal justice teachers, they recommended I get my concealed carry license and continue on from there, because it looks good on my resume supposedly.

You need to re-evaluate your class, find one that teaches when and where and state laws. Then move on to advanced SD shooting courses.
Being the best shooter in the world ain't going to help you if you run afowl of your state laws.
The class I am taking does offer the state laws, it is not just shooting. I only posted a quote from the website because I did not want my post to appear to be spam or anything like that. But to clear up this confusion I will post the link now. Feel free to review it and let me know what you think. This company was recommended to me by multiple teachers and local police officers.