Taking AR-15 and full-cap mags into California

I don't know of one,

but I'd contact the school and see what they say.

I'm sure it's come up before, and if they don't have a sold answer, backed up by section numbers in the relevant codes, to a question that is central to their business, what else have they let slide?

Don't ask the CA DOJ... they often don't know what's in the laws they're supposed to enforce, especially for questions from the outer fringes of the space of laws.

Pretty much no. There may be an exception for law enforcement officers but not for the general public and possession of an unregistered assault rifle or high capacity magazines is a felony and they are serious about arresting and persecuting (not a typo) anyone found with either. There are some exceptions for non-listed brands if properly modified (but not magazines) but it's not for the faint hearted. You might check over at calguns.net for details. They specialized in the nuances of California gun law.
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