Taking a Title 2 to Mass....

Eric Blair

New member
I want to give a *private* demonstration of my SMG in Mass.
Title II is legal in Mass.

I am NOT a Mass res, but have a Mass Class A LTC, with all lawful purpose.

What else would I need? (Besides a 5320.20)
I'm going to ask her, before call up the staties.

Anyone know?


It's my understanding that when you're involved in interstate transit with a Title 2 firearm, you're to contact the BATF for permission. That's what we were told at the SMG instructor's course.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
As long as the item in question is legal in the destination jurisdiction, you only need to have an approved 5320.20. It's important to ensure that there are no local and/or state laws that prohibit the possession or use of the item in question. An approved 5320.20 is NOT A FREE PASS. ATF can, and has, made mistakes on approving 5320.20 to jurisdictions where the item is not legal.

An interesting note -- you can put a 5320.20 in for an entire year. I have submitted multiple 5320.20s for my entire collection. You need to have a different form for each destination (state).

If you happen to be an FFL/SOT, you do not need the 5320.20.

danbrew :->