Tactics and footwork


New member
My friends who shoot at my gun club were asking me about my footwork when they watch me shoot. Footwork is a key element in fighting, whether it be martial arts, swords, or firearms! Being able to move and shoot, and shoot accurately, can bring you home alive when things go south.

I made a video about footwork--SEE BELOW, and demonstrate movement throughout the video, and then specifically footwork in shooting. Whether you are searching a building, facing an armed opponent, or in hand-to-hand, footwork and balance is imperative! Shooting groups from a sandbag doesn't count on the streets! Young bad guys move fast, and will overwhelm the statue types very quickly.

If you are training to defend yourself, footwork and balance is as important as shooting technique if you wish to stay on TOP of the grass!

Practice, practice, and then practice some more!!!:D


Saw an officer just last week fall on his butt while attempting to create distance and draw during a Simu drill with bag/baton and suddenly the attacker has a knife!

Also used to teach a fire and fall back type excercise live fire, but had so many shooters flopping around in near falls that I do it Simu or dry fire only if at all.

BAck pedal seems to lead to falls, I teach drag step only.
This is something I feel that is often overlooked. I myself get in the habit of having too much fun standing and blowing away bottles or cans, or steel targets. I have found lately that footing, balance, and movement are just ignored or not practiced. In some cases, I think a good draw and angle out would do a lot against a knife or stick wielding combatant.

You mentioned martial arts, I use a lot of the movements I've learned in martial arts to shoot on the move. Having plenty of practice in fluent, even steps has been great on my ability to keep a fairly steady aim. Thanks for the reminder, I should practice this next time I go out for a shoot.
Balance is key

I also use my martial arts experience in shooting. I think I'm going to start recommending it to my students.

For me, the key to moving quickly while shooting is balance and a lower center of gravity.
I for one am kinda sorta in the klutz family.

I can shoot. I can move. I can reload.

I just cannot do any two of them at the same time.

So my training concentrates on doing all three of them, . . . well, . . . but doing them one at a time so I don't get mixed up.

Roy Rogers, . . . on Trigger, . . . could do all three. The rest of us ain't Roy.

May God bless,
Just thought Id throw this out there, since I’m a huge fan of learning to shoot/reload while moving (preferably to cover!!), I have found a simple and effective way to teach the folks at my agency to move and be steady with a weapon. The best part is, you can do it at home! I have them take an empty, 20 oz. water bottle, fill it about 1/3. Then hold the cap end in your dominant hand, and obtain a "shooting" grip, as best you can, with both hands. Now, hold the thing out in front of you, and move. Try to keep the water from sloshing about. Work on that for a while, then move on to dry fire then to live fire. It has proven out well for me and my guys! For carbine work, tape the water bottle to the front sight! I don’t recall where I picked this up or from whom, but it sure works well! And once you have the live fire movement down, start working on the reloads while moving. Just make sure to get the motor program of the reloads down first, as we must crawl before we walk and walk before we run!
I have no way to relate to shooters whose only venue is a public shooting range. I have only been on a public range a few times(3-4 unless you count trap ranges) in 50 years of shooting.
I live on the farm and have my own range, therefore, I can shoot in whatever fashion I see fit. I hunt and trap both of which require shooting from nonstructured positions and under stress. Learning to handle a firearm, move as needed, and shoot at possibly moving animals is a requirement.
Engaging is some orchestrated dance move during a gun drawn confrontation seems totally illogical to me. I can stand on one leg in water within an inch of going over the top of my rubber boot while holding a trapped coon at bay with a stick, draw my pistol and fire a fatal shot several times a day. Being able to handle and shoot my guns on a daily basis trumps nearly any "training scenario" but that's just my opinion.