Tactical Vest for Home Defense


New member
I was talking to someone recently and he shared with me that he uses one of the 5.11 tactical vests for home defense. He basically keeps it next to his bed with his handgun, extra magazines, cell phone, flashlight, first aid supplies, and a few odds & ends. His theory is that everything is in one place and that it’s easier to wake up and slip this on than to try and pick up his, gun, phone and flashlight off the night stand. A quick review of YouTube shows that at least a few people agree, but then there are also many YouTubers that think the Queen of England is a space alien.

So, I’m curious what you folks think of this strategy? Does anyone already employ it? If so what’s your set-up?

Keep in mind I’m not focusing on something you wear out in public or prepping for the zombie apocalypse, but just basic home defense.
I will more likely need dog leashes to pull my dogs off whatever breaks into my home.

It sounds like the other person is expecting this to happen to them while they are in bed. It could just as well happen when they are in the shower or reading the morning newspaper.

I wonder where they have hearing protection on their "to get dressed" list. :(
I like the idea of keeping gear organized but I would think that if you wanted some garment that you could easily don in a home defense situation, it would be a plate carrier with body armor.
When I pick up my gun I pick up a flashlight. A nice bright one. Extra magazine too. Stick a blue tooth in my ear and I'm all set.

It sounds like the other person is expecting this to happen to them while they are in bed. It could just as well happen when they are in the shower or reading the morning newspaper.

Most people spend eight hours out of 24 in bed.
While I think I would look good wearing that vest and a pair of slippers, much like OBD I generally just grab my bedside pistol (my EDC) and a good flashlight. I figure just me naked has some value as a deterrent.:eek: