Tactical simulations using Airsoft (long)


Has anyone ever used airsoft guns in a tactical simulation. What I mean by "tactical simulation" is a role-play scenario ala Pizza hut thread.

(Quick synopsis: BG is robbing store with gun pointed at clerk. You notice while walking up to pay while carrying concealed. What to you do?)

It seems like you could get some pretty realistic role-playing this way. First, you gather up some people, equipment, and brainstorm some scenarios. One person should be the "referee" and plan the scenario and then give every character instructions on their motives. Something like this:

For reference, we are basically running the role-playing for one or more main actors. We'll call these the Good Guys. All others are just "characters" who are reacting to the GGs and acting according to their referee-provided motives.

Referee plans character starting locations and layout of situation. In this example:
1. Placing the GG in his seat with bill to pay in hand.
2. Placing BG at counter with pistol pointed at clerk
3. Placing clerk behind counter
4. Placing BG get-away driver outside armed with pistol

Referee tells characters their motives. Perhaps something like this:
1. BG - wants money, but not really dedicated to killing. Minimal gunhandling skills. Will point weapon at anyone yelling at him. Will shoot at someone he sees drawing. Will try to get behind cover (counter?) if shots are fired. Will try to escape with life rather than money. Will surrender if escape seems unavoidable.
2. Clerk - just working for minimum wage. Wants to escape, but will not leave if being covered by gun. No gunhandling skills. Will take 15 seconds to empty cash register.
3. BG get-away driver - Will split if partner is shot. If partner is just shot at but not hit, he will assist, using cover as much as possible. Decent gunhandling skills.
4 GG - Alone in restaurant, just finished, ready to pay bill and leave.

Perhaps I'm getting carried away here, but it seems like this would be a good way to generate critical thinking about various situations. Kind of like the "What-if" scenarios that we see posted here all the time.

Maybe you could rotate roles and each particpant could come up with two scenarios. Then everyone could act as a referee twice and also as a GG at least twice.

Variations on the theme would be as simple as rearranging the starting positions and/or the motives. For a second example, the BG's motive could be changed to:
1. BG - currently suffering from drug withdrawl. Wants money and will stop at nothing to get it. Will kill clerk if it takes longer than 10 seconds to get cash. Minimal gunhandling skills. Will point weapon and shoot at anyone moving or yelling at him. Once money is retrieved, will shoot at anyone who is not cowering in submission and then run out the store.

Instantly you have a different scenario. The referee can assist by telling actors when they have completed tasks (for instance, removing the money from the till) if it is not possible to simulate otherwise.

Any thoughts on the idea of role-playing? An other ideas for how to make such a system work well?
We use airsoft all the time to practice scenerios. We have taken a some what different approach in that we drill the stuff we are most likely to find ourselfs in such as burgler situation, forced entry, parking lot mugging, shoot no shoot and hostage situations. On days when my wife is not home and my son doesn't have to work, the whole day is "game on" and you are in a self defense situation all day while you go about your business. Other times we will drill some scenerio several times to work on reaction times and tactics. If my other sons or sons-in-law are not busy they get drafted and we do force on force at the house or at an abandoned set of farm buildings. We load the airsoft equipment based on our normal carry, for me it is one mag loaded with ten pellets and two mags with ten each in reserve. This keeps things from becomming spray and pray. If you run out of ammo you will get shot. In an all day situation the total number of pellets you are allowed equals the total number of rounds for your carry weapon you have on hand at the time. Since those little pellets sting pretty good when you are hit tactics work themselves out and any bad habits you have will show up in a hurry. We have found that the stress factors that are present in a real shoot situation will also show up, tunnel vision, loss of fine motor skills and the like. Neat thing is after a drill you can discuss what went right and what went wrong and make adjustments for the next time. You are also going to find that there are situations that no matter what you do or how good you are you will not survive. If that type of situation were to show up in real life you know you must choose to fold or take as many with you as you can. Always wear safety glasses and some sort of ear plug (to keep the pellets from entering the ear) and have at it.