Tactical Magazine Question.

Hey All.

I was at the grocery and stopped by to read a few gun rags to interupt my boring shopping list. Anyway, one was some new "tactical" magazine I had never seen before.

It had pictures of "tactical" situations inside a home at close range. The "good guy" was always armed to the teeth, and the "bad guy" was as well. Anyway, the pictures displayed how to handle situations in a sequence. In one sequence the BG was hiding around a corner with an AK-47 and the GG was slicing the pie and was armed with an HK 9mm submachine gun. The photos displayed the GG striking the AK barrel up with his weak hand and then lowering his HK to draw a knife and then stab the BG in the chest and then cut his hamstrings...supposedly dropping him and ending it.

Why did he have to lower his weapon which was already in hand and draw a knife to stop the threat? Wouldn't it be more realistic to fire your gun COM on the BG after "tapping" his barrel out of the way?

I don't see where the "tactical" advantage is. Any thoughts on this situation and the relevancy of silly tactical magazines would be appreciated. I think most people are getting too tactical for their own good when just practicing, doing IDPA and training the mind and body would far more benefit a regular joe that isn't a LEO or Military. Agree or disagree?
what mag was this? I myself will consider myself screwed if a dude comes into my house decked out all "tactical" with a primary weapon as a AK. But yes I believe the senarieo (can't spell) is way out there.
I'll check

I can't remember the title, but I'll check next time I am there. Yeah, it was a pretty ridiculous situation. I figure if a home invader has an AK, then massive amounts of trouble will ensue on every side.

I do like reading certain gun rags, this one was just too much.
Makes all the sense to me. You should always transition to a knife, if at all possible, to avoid waking the kids and wife.
Is the grocery store connected to a mall. Was the Magazine named "mall ninja tactical" Or was it " Dope Dealer Tactical" Only people I know who would sit down for dinner while resting an Mp5 accross his knee would fit into one of those focus groups.
That is as good as the fellow i recently saw at the range with a Mossberg 12 ga with a bayonet (Sp?) a fixed. Reason provided ---- In case they have body armor on. Hummmmm let's see here... head shot may not be as easy as a COM hit but then you have a long arm with slugs or a scatter gun load..... not to mention if you are at contact range with the gun you can apply it to lots of unarmored places.....

Anyway was good for quiet amusement
He he he, ha ha ha, ho ho ho! THUNK! Sound of 45 Fu falling from chair.

Now that I have caught my breath, some things have gotten so silly it'a a wonder that anyone can take anything seriously.

I make a motion that we ban all uses of the following words: tactical (and all words derived from the root "tactic"), and stealth. These words may still be used when speaking of any military or police action, but banned in all civilian applications.

I do, however, like "strategery."
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I only glanced at it briefly, but Clint Smith wrote a short piece tackling the subject of tactics in one of the rags recently. This opener seemed like it might be somewhat objective as it sought to address the definition of the term and it's application.
:) That is as good as the fellow i recently saw at the range with a Mossberg 12 ga with a bayonet (Sp?) a fixed. Reason provided ---- In case they have body armor on.

I let a fellow shoot an old, outdated Kevelar vest Sunday. Vest was set at 7 yards. First 3 rounds were WWB .40/165 FMJ and they were contained by the vest. Put a pretty dandy dent in the cardboard IPSC target holding the vest up, though!

They shot several flavors of handgun rounds at it, none penetrated that I can recall.

He let fly with a 12 ga & birdshot, and nothing penetrated, but it DID put a massive dent in the cardboard.

I gave him a Fiocchi 12 1oz low recoil slug, and that slug went thru the front panel about 4.5"!! :eek: It was still contained by the Kevelar, but it would have ventilated the wearer.

He had some sabot slugs, but I don't know how they performed.

What's my point? Heck, I don't know, I just wanted to post :)