Tactical light options for 590a1 18.5 6 shot


New member
I just recently purchased a mossberg 590a1 in a 6 shot, this is my exact model the 51410.

and i was wondering what options I have, other then the surefire grip, for a tac light on this.

I have been looking at this http://www.amazon.com/LaserLyte-ADPTRIR140-Shotgun-Rail-Mount/dp/B002LEZHFQ/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

but I'm unsure if their is enough space on the magazine tube for it to fit and still have my shotgun function properly.

Any advice would be appreciated
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That thing is pretty much ready to go as it sits.

Up the round count. After a few cases, you'll have better ideas of what it needs and what is bling.....
yeah I want to keep it simple, I just want the light and thats pretty much it, I dont need a laser guided missile system on it or anything like that lol Just the light.
the question,

I own the same gun except with ghost rings. without using a +2 extension (kinda rare) and a railed magazine tube clamp, your best bet is a railed forend (ergo, ggg, mako) or dropping the coin on the surefire. id choose the first option, personally
I picked up a +2 extension, appreciate the help guys, now do you have any medium priced recommendations for what kind of mount and light I should use on that extension? i'm looking for something in the 40-70 buck range I dont want to go too crazy.
If you are only looking to put a light on it, I like the Elzetta mount. I have that mount and a Dark Ops 'Hellfighter' X-8 on my Browning 'Taactical'. They have both held up well on my testing with both 00 Buck and slugs. Both together were under $100.