Tactical Innovations Stratus for 22lr?


New member
I've given some thought to getting a suppressor for use with 22lr firearms. The suppressor would be used on a Browning Buckmark (has threaded Tactical Solutions barrel) and a Ruger 10/22 (I would need to get a threaded barrel or adapter for the Ruger).

The guns are used for plinking mostly. The 10/22 is used for a little hunting. I'd prefer something lightweight with low maintenance and not super expensive (realizing I'd have to pay an extra $200 on top of the product cost).

In my online searches, the Tactical Innovations Stratus looked like it might fit the bill. Can anyone confirm whether that would be a good choice? Or, if not, could you recommend other options?
I just bought a SWR Warlock II for $230. Its an all alluminum can so its SUPER lightweight. 3oz total

I went with a super light can so it doesnt affect the balance of my Ruger pistol.

The downside is being aluminum i am going to have to scrub the lead out manually instead of using some of the harsher chem cleaning methods

If you dont care as much about it being as light as possible ive heard good things about the SWR Spectre or Sparrow. They are in the 6.5oz range, but can handle all the rimfire ctg.... 17, 22mag, ect.

Also they have Stainless baffles so can withstand harsh chem cleanings

I just wanted the lightest can possible. I can scrub it clean. A little elbow grease in exchange for 1/2 the weight:rolleyes:
I own the Tactical Innovations Quest suppressor - the model just above the Stratus. While I can not specifically comment on the Stratus, I can say without hesitation that the quest is an outstanding suppressor.

May I suggest you consider moving up to the all stainless steel Quest. The Stratus is all aluminum and getting an all stainless steel suppressor should ensure a much longer service life. In general I would look hard at getting any stainless steel suppressor vs an aluminum one. Although many folks are totally happy with their aluminum "cans".

Tactical Innovations overall quality control is excellent.


Thanks for the feedback. The SWR Warlock II looks like it could be a good option if I go aluminum.

I do want light, but durability and ease of maintenance are also considerations, so I won't rule out steel. If I went that route, is the SWR Spectre II a good option?

I see there are some titanium options as well. A bit lighter than steel, but tougher than aluminum. A bit expensive though. Is it worth it?
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I dont think the Ti cans are worth the $ IN A 22CAN. i mean lets face it a 22can is basically a toy.

If you ever plan on shooting some of the higher pressure rimfires or a 5.7 then go with a SS design. If you plan on using the "dip" then go SS.

I didnt want to mess with nasty lead chem's so im happy to wire brush the baffles as needed.

I talked to and looked at every suspressor Co at the SHOT show and the Warlock II was right at the top of my list. Since my dealer had em in stock it just made sense.

I went AAC for my rifle can and they make a GREAT 22 can as well. The combo of in stock ( so no added wait time) and light weight sold me on the Warlock
I also went with the Tactical Innovations Quest suppressor, I wanted a SS can that I can clean myself with out having to worry about premature wear and something that will last a life time. I was not to concerned with a little extra weight on my pistol or rifle, I'm a big boy and I plan on only buying one 22 can and for me this one was a no brainer for me. Good luck with what ever you get.
Let me make some random comments about suppressors that may help.

Professionally and personally I have been exposed to suppressors since the
1980's. And in general I can't tell much difference in performance between quality built *screw on* specimens of the same caliber - no matter who made them.

So when brand X says their suppressor is #% quieter measured with scientific equipment than their closest competitor - I say so what. Is an #% reduction that noticeable to an unprotected ear. I will argue that its not. Others will argue that it is.

There is one exception and that is internal suppressors. I have fired some suppressed SMG's with internal suppressors that were significantly noticeably quieter than a quality screw on can. But is that difference so much to make a decision on ? I argue its not unless you absolutely have to have the quietest suppressor around. And then it would be something totally custom made.

My preference in a suppressor is first and foremost durability - you'd think it was sound suppression - however that is secondary to me (see previous comment about what can be heard). Therefore I go with stainless steel vs an aluminum baffle and tube set up. The slight added weight, and when talking about .22 RF cans we are talking ounces, is worth the added durability that stainless steel offers over aluminum.

The other thing I want to stress is make sure you get a user disassemble able suppressor. The "sealed" cans have to be returned to the factory for service and maintenance. Being able to take the suppressor apart yourself for cleaning saves a lot of time and hassle over sending it back to the factory.

The bottom line is that there are many different and often opposing opinions on suppressors. Most are very valid. You just have to figure out what is right for you.

I doubt you will be unhappy with any suppressor you get as long as its from a reputable company that has some history in the industry.

Good Luck,

Thanks for the continues suggestions. Since I plan to get just one suppressor, I'd like it to last, so maybe steel is the way to go. My Tac-Sol Buckmark barrel is very light, and I could get a lightweight 10/22 barrel if I want to cut weight. Then the extra ounces on the suppressor might not matter.
I have a SilencerCo SS Sparrow and one of my host guns is a Buckmark with the tac-sol 4" barrel. The make a great pair.


It has stainless steel baffles so you can use the Dip to clean it if that is how you want to clean it and it is easy to disassemble, which is very important in a rimfire suppressor.