Tacoma Park, MD, wants to be 'gun-free'

Mike in VA

New member
Tacoma Park, MD, a very liberal PC community in suburban DC tried to put an initiative to the ballot for last Tuesday's election to ban hanguns from within it's city limits (They're already a nuclear-free zone). Fortunately, a local judge prevented them from doing so, saying it was un-Consitituional (some of them DO understand). Undaunted, the weenies held a stawpoll outside one polling place that ended up with approximately 500 votes for the inititive, 85 against. Tylpical lib-think, we'll pass a law and the problem will magically go away. Idiots!

I wasn't surprised at the results, given the namby-pamby-wishy-washy-spineless-gutless wimpy nature of the neighborhood, but it is galling that so few understand the importance of the Second Amendment (even in insuring their right to free speech and silly initiatives), but further, the ignorance in that they think they can vote to do away with an inalienable (sp?) right and a civil right - self-defense.

The more I read and think about so many of these so called liberals, the more I realize that they are really fascists, nothing like the old-time Democrats who had some respect for human dignity, self-determination and individual rights. Thes people are ignorant and proud of it - Mad Cow Rosie is the perfect mascot for them.

Sorry for the rambling rant, but I wanted to share yet another sick example of why we need to keep on working to get the truth out and protect our rights from the stupid sheeple. There are so many stupid, stupid people out there, and they vote. Scares the hell out of me and I fear for the Republic. Sheesh! M2
Naturally, people with guns would have to go door-to-door to enforce that resolution. Wonder if any of the bright minds responsible for the resolution realized that much?
If you're a burglar who reads the papers, you just found yourself a new neighborhood. Watch for break-ins to occupied homes to rise there. And notice how the residents will rely on... people with handguns.


"In many ways we are treated quite like men." Erich Maria Remarque
I think I'll put a sign on my front door:

"THIS IS A GUN-FREE HOME If you believe that, I can make you a helluva cash deal on a very fine bridge."

:), Art
Good point, Ipecac, and parts of TP are fairly Yup-scale, and good targets of opportunity for the scummies.

Rat, those people are much more into posturing than action. The Sheeple's Republik of MerryLand is pretty anti-gun to begin with, and if the really wanted to do something about crime, they could properly fund the cops to do their jobs, instead of wasting time and energy on this foolishness, and besides, then they could be whining about police oppression. I relally don't think they have the balls for a the court fights (or even street fights?) that would result if they did start trying to confiscate handguns, and the judge had it right - their silly law would be unConstitutional. Idiots, indeed! M2
Takoma park is a liberal or communist area near a Big Liberal Communist area, DC (District of criminals) Although Maryland is controled by comuunist officials, if they go state wide for the handguns, there will be plenty of street fights. But why do the people of maryland KEEP Voting for these commie politicians? I live in the state, a long way from takoma Park,but still dont know why these liberals keep winning across the state. Went shooting today on a friend s property near my house. The smell of AK, 45, 9mm Largo, 22 lr. and 44magnum was great! Hear that Takoma Park?
All I can say is, IF they're successful at becoming gun free, I know where to practice my predatory crimes when the gov't turns ME into a criminal.
That would be a great place to ship those bumper stickers and signs that say "Gun Free Zone, Please Don't Hurt Me".

Slip one of the stickers in an envelope and mail one to each one of those idiots who proposed this. The you could innocently ask them why they haven't used them.

Somebody will make a bundle with those stickers -- anyone know of a vendor?

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
I lived in Takoma Park years ago, late 70s, had my van burgled about once a year. When I meet people from Maryland now, their reaction is always the same - "you LIVED in Takoma Park !? We won't even drive through it!" It's really an extension of DC, which explains it all.........
Funny thing, I live not very far from Takoma Pk, in Columbia in a nice quiet burb. Since the National Security Agency is just down the road, the area is loaded with folks that work there, and don't talk about their jobs.I know basically because folks with Govt ID keep knocking ojn my door and asking"So and so's security clearance is being reviewed"...

Point, most of the ones I run across own guns. These aren't spies or James Bond wannabees, these are folks with lot more knowledge of how things actually are in the world,and most of them seem to own guns. They mention shooting and hunting and personal defense. I've shot with a couple of them.

Catch my drift?..