T/C #13 or #17 cleaner ?

I have no idea, use soap and water just like everyone else.

Pick up a copy of the muzzle loading cap lock rifle by Ned Roberts, great read.
Like the others I haven't used them but they maybe useful. Sales people will supply the products for any perceived need. You can't make money with out product. Water is still the best solvent. I use it cold with a dab of what ever soap is handy then oil well. But then I've only shot muzzle loaders for around fifty years, mostly custom built guns but plenty of store bought ones too.
I've only shot muzzle loaders for around fifty years, mostly custom built guns but plenty of store bought ones too.

You've got me beat. I've only done it for 48 and only have one custom build.:cool:
I have been heating water in a tea kettle and using it scalding hot with Dawn dish soap so far. I have to hold the barrel with a pot holder because it gets so hot and th hot water evaporates leaving the barrel dry.
Does it work as well with cold water ?
Cold water will work, hot just works a little better. I don't use it boiling hot because I like to hold the cylinders and barrel under water while I force water through them with bore mops. Of course boiling water may preclude the use of bore mops, it's just the way I've always done it.
I will give cold water a try and see how it works. I have used boiling hot water because it evaporates and leaves the barrel dry. But I have to hold the barrel with a pot holder because it get so hot. Then I run a bore mop with bore butter down the barrel a few times.
Has anyone else heard that "too hot or boiling water will induce flash rusting"?

I've been encouraged to use hot water to clean it, but then warm or cool water to rinse, so as not to cause the above.

Curious about your thoughts on this..........

Old No7
Has anyone else heard that "too hot or boiling water will induce flash rusting"?

I have heard it, never seen it. I don't boil, don't see any need to but I've used everything from almost freezing cold up to barely being able to keep my hands in it hot.
From your posts I am thinking I do not need boiling hot water, I will try straight hot tap water next time. Thank you guys for the help.
Your call !!!

From your posts I am thinking I do not need boiling hot water
Not only do you not need hot water, you don't need water at all. The use of hot or cold water, is a personal choice. There are basically three methods of cleaning;

1) Water with some kind of soap.
2) Solvents
3) A combination of 1 & 2

If you are set on water, use method #3

Be Safe !!!!
Not only do you not need hot water, you don't need water at all. The use of hot or cold water, is a personal choice. There are basically three methods of cleaning;

1) Water with some kind of soap.
2) Solvents
3) A combination of 1 & 2

If you are set on water, use method #3

Why do you need solvents? Water is the best bp solvent there is.
Just another SWAG !!!

13 v 17 anybody? I certainly don't know
In the early years, I used TC-13, and have not taken the opportunity work with #17. Seems to me that it might be addressing the use of Sabots. In recent years I have switched to a 50/50 mixture of Balistol and Mineral Spirts. So, for now, that is what I'm stuck on. There are many positives to Ballitol and the only negative may be, the smell. ...... ;)

Back in the 80's when I started using #13, there was only BP and Pyrodex soon followed. There were a number of BP solvents that were basically the same. You could tell by the smell of Murphy's oil soap. Most were very effective in working with Sulphur based propellants. Today there are many alternative propellants and I have to think that #17 addresses those as well ..... :confused:

Be Safe !!!
Water is a great solvent but not always for metal.

Water is the best bp solvent there is.
Water is a solvent and not only the best but the only liquid used for cleaning everything. ....... ;)

Now then, after you get done with your water, what do you do? You wipe it down with some kind of liquid metal protectant to prevent any rust. That protectant acts as a solvent to clean up the water residue. First you fight the salts which are cleaned up very well by the water mixture and then you fight the product of the water, witch is rust. ...... :D

Hawg, Tell me that after your water use, you hang her back up, on the wall.?
I think not ???

Be Safe !!!