Syracuse, NY airport WiFi blocks gun related sites

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I was online in the Syracuse airport today and went to visit some of my favorite gun sites, including TFL,,, M1911 forum and Calguns.

I got locked out by a content filter, reason: "weapons". I am now sitting in the Denver airport with unfettered access to the same sites.

I was particularly perturbed because most of these sites are dealing with civil rights as they pertain to the 2nd amendment.

I think I'd follow Hkmp5sd's idea as well as draft a very carefully worded inquiry to the powers that be asking them why your access to certain sites is blocked.
Get an official explanation. Could prove to be interesting fodder for discussion.
Regardless of any proposed FCC ruling, the Airport isn't the ISP. Since the Airport authorities are buying the bandwidth from an ISP, then providing a free service (WiFi) to its customers, where's the complaint? If they wish to block certain content, that is their "right" since they are the ones paying for the service to begin with.

Like your place of work, that may provide the internet for work related access, you are free to start a campaign and lobby the corporate mind to change its policies. Unlike work, your job is not at risk, if you do.

There is no civil right to surf the net, just as there is no civil right to have telephone service.

The thread, as stated in the particular manner by the OP, is off topic.
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