Symbol of Liberty attacks Clinton


New member
While not a word of this appeared in the American media, the British were bold enough to print the story about how the symbol of the United States of America took a bite out of Bill Clinton.

<a href=""> London Telegraph Story </a>

I'd say that eagles are alot smarter than most voters. It's the survival instinct. They know what's bad! I love it!
Notice how Clinton tried to take credit for saving the bald eagle from extinction ala Gore inventing the internet?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited July 04, 1999).]
Bwahahahaha! Love it!

Omigod, the symbolism...

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
I sure hope that eagle does not get sick or visited by a FOB later.
Ben Franklin labored long and hard against having the bald eagle as America's emblem. He argued that the birds were carron eaters. I guess this eagle proved it. LOL

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Too bad eagles can't vote.

Or maybe they can. They are being taken off the endagered species list. Hmmm...

Certainly made MY day :) I really hope the poor birdie does not become ill from eating something tainted. And does not suffer an "arkancide"... ;)

That bastard. That slimy, miserable, low-life sister-humping bastard.

Shoot carefully... swifter...
Hey! Since when are bird perches appropriate flagpoles?? I mean, "Hooray for the pecker!" and all that, but the flag appears to be strung between the two posts that support the bird's perch. Isn't that a no-no?
ok guys help me with the picture posts
so i can relay the satire pic
i tried what i thought would work?

It just shows the link

[This message has been edited by PEA SHOOTER (edited July 05, 1999).]
Hey, I just had a thought, and it hurt, was the bird's name EDDIE? Did he have a small NRA tattoo on one wing? Did/does he hate felons?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited July 05, 1999).]
That bird deserves a medal for doing what congress didn't have the guts to do. Three cheers for the bird!

Side note to Ben Franklin: Today's lesson shows that the Bald Eagle was indeed the right choice as the national bird..

I found an Associated Press story about it in
the Las Vegas Review-Journal, but Rod, you're right, no mention of the eagle pecking Clinton. I had previously written them suggesting the the AP reporters must have graduated from the Josef Goebbels School of Journalism when it came to reporting gun control. I wrote them this re:
The Eagle Incident --
"The Associated Press coverage of this event left out a great piece of symbolism that occurred during the ceremony. The London Telegraph reported that this symbol of American liberty bit Clinton on the LEFT

Those with darker minds would also point out that Ben Franklin was against the adoption of the eagle as a national symbol because it was an eater of carrion.

I think Ben stopped spinning in his grave long enough to emit a giant horselaugh.

Evidently gun control isn't the only topic the AP spins."
Gee. The ONE major San Antonio newspaper had about two feet of column inches about Clinton saving the eagles, being "presidential", etc. But the Clinton pecking apparently was not newsworthy. :D

Thanks, Rod.
"The eagle had been reduced from an estimated population of half a million, when it was chosen as America's emblem in 1783, to only 417 pairs in 1963." Even the Brit rags can't get the story right. Those may be the numbers for the Lower 48, but eagles have never been even close to threatened in Alaska. Around here we call them dump buzzards, after their favorite dining area. It appears that bald eagles everywhere enjoy a bit of garbage.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."