Switch your vote NOW!


New member
Who will change their vote as of 9.6.08?

We seem to go in circles with attacks/counterattacks on the candidates, their friends, pets and lawn care habits while actual ticket platforms/policies appear to fall by the wayside.

I believe this attitude is primarily media-driven and does a grave disservice to the political process. Additionally, neither camp has actually given us the meat and potatoes of HOW they’re going to accomplish their vague promises.

So out of boredom and armed with tasty tidbits tossed our way… We chase our tails and bash each others choices.

For the sake of this discussion, which I surmise will be much more difficult than cutting & pasting and diving right in swinging...

AND given some absolutes-
Everything negative about the McCain/Palin ticket is true. Bridges, babies and affairs.
Everything negative about the Obama/Biden ticket is true. Ayers, Wright and Chicago.

What policy change by either camp would get you to change your vote?

I’ll give you an example- Senator Obama comes out for national concealed carry. Is that enough for you to switch?

Senator McCain says he’ll let the states decide on Roe vs. Wade. Is that enough?

Is there ANYTHING that the other side could do to get you to switch?

I have my doubts, I witnessed Marion Barry...
Should we go back to chasing tails and bashing just because it’s so dang entertaining? :D :cool:
In the order they were ...

... presented:

1. NO

2. NO

3. NO

4. NO

5. NO

That's as about straight forward as I can make it.
Everything negative about the Obama/Biden ticket is true. Ayers, Wright and Chicago.

Then he would be a traitor and I would vote for him under no circunstances whatsoever.

Everything negative about the McCain/Palin ticket is true. Bridges, babies and affairs.

Then they would be, at worst, typical politicians.

Senator McCain says he’ll let the states decide on Roe vs. Wade. Is that enough?

No. Why would it be? It's not his decision to make. He has already said he will appoint pro-life justices that's all he CAN do.

I vote based on issues beyond the radar of todays arguments. Abortion and some other "unmentionables." Nothing these two could do will change the most beneficial vote for the issues that matter most to me.
NO, Obama hasn't DONE anything to get my vote and there is nothing he could do or say to change my mind.

When I think of America and look at both tickets, McCain/Palin best matches my idea of what we have been and what we should be and I agree with their view of America.

Senator McCain says he’ll let the states decide on Roe vs. Wade. Is that enough?

Seeing as the constitution gives the federal government ZERO authority over this issue, it is the only thing to do unless you subscribe to living outside of the constitutional boundaries. Yes, the SUPREME COURT "is" part of the federal government and has no say in this issue either.
I believe this attitude is primarily media-driven and does a grave disservice to the political process. Additionally, neither camp has actually given us the meat and potatoes of HOW they’re going to accomplish their vague promises.

The real disservice to the political process is the near-total focus on the Presidency and the lack of focus on Congress. A President can only lead to the extent that Congress will follow and the Congress has been merrily going in its own disfunctional way for quite some time.
What policy change by either camp would get you to change your vote?

There's NOTHING that either camp can do to change my vote just by stating a policy change that I believe in. I don't respect flip-floppers.

However, if the definition is a policy change due to seeing the error of their ways, not necessarily lip service, then that changes the rules. You're asking quite a hypothetical since if both parties changed to my personal views, then the odds would be even. I would have to say I'd default to vote for the Republican ticket.

Two major items come to mind that would sway my vote. If McCain denounces the very bill he authored, McCain/Fiengold, and shut down the illegal immigration debacle, he would have my vote in a heartbeat.

To me, the illegal immigration is degrading our country faster than every other issue by a mile. I'm extremely nausiated that I might have to vote for him in hopes of Palin to be our future true representative of our Republic.
No. Why would it be? It's not his decision to make. He has already said he will appoint pro-life justices that's all he CAN do.

Good point.

Obama says he wont take our guns away... but IF he has the opportunity to appoint new Supreme Court Justices they certainly will.
Well, actually, I had to switch from Ron Paul to John McCain when McCain won the Republican primary. But, if you insist ... okay, I switch from John McCain to McCain-Palin !

Satisfied ?