Swedish Mauser Barrel


New member
What would be a reasonable asking price for an issue Swedish Mauser 24" barrel, unused, still wrapped in paper and cosmoline?
I can't find any for sale, so that's a really hard question to answer.

Is yours blued or in the white? If it were mine, assuming it's in perfect condition, I wouldn't start it for less than $200 + shipping--maybe a bit more if it's blued. If I weren't in any sort of hurry to sell it, I might go higher and come down if it didn't sell.

There should be a lot of these out there--at one time they were common and cheap. But it seems like the people who bought them hold on to them...
If it's purported to be a Swede GI barrel and you're thinking of buying it- do some checking... it's my understanding that most of those were supposed to be 29". The one you're discussing may have had some cut off. Or it may be the Swede Short Rifle (carbine?) with a 23.1". Or, I may be mis-guided all around, but I'd check.
If you really can find one for sale, that would give you a good idea of price.

Where did you find the one for sale at Numrich? When I looked on their website, there were 3 pages of results--all out of stock.
Swedish Mauser barrel

I got the barrel out and looked it over. I was wrong about the cosmoline, that is on another barrel. It is 23 5/8" long, in the white, and covered with some sort of cream colored material that appears to have been applied as a preservative, but has dried up. I didn't swab the barrel out, but the outside is pristine. It is wrapped in a newspaper dated Dec. 14,1992. Don't recall where I got the barrel. It looks like a military issue part. Numrich has one listed in very good condition for $53+, but out of stock, as are most of their 6.5x55mm barrels. The only marking I found on it is CO on the large diameter, just behind where the rear sight mounts. There is a double dot (Umlaut?) over the O. It has all the steps and angles to be a short rifle barrel as use on the later models.
There were three original barrel lengths. There was an early carbine model that had a very short barrel. There was the original rifle with a 29" barrel and there was the later carbine that had a 24" barrel with a bent bolt. There were also carbines made from the original rifles that retained the straight bolt but had the 24" barrel.

The barrel you have is for the 24" carbine. The marking seems to be consistent with an original barrel and it wasn't unusual for them to be in the white. I'd leave the preservative in place.

As is apparent from the Numrich website, at one time these were easy to find and could be had for very reasonable prices. However, if you look for them now, they are much harder to find.