swedish m96 help


i bought a m96 mauser that has the single screw disk. there is a blank space on the wedge denoting elevation and the BBl condition is marked as a 1(1,2,3). the outer bore (6.51 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,) is NOT marked thus i belive it is a true 6.51 the lower portion (6.46 7,8,9,0,) is marked over the zero thus , i assume denoting a 6.50. that seems a very shallow land groove diameter for the rifle to be a #1 rated BBL. am i reading this right or is the lower marking 0 denoting zero errosion?
OH! then thank you for your helpful and highly informative post. now all is clear. praise the lord.
you should run for office.
Hi, PSE and guys,

Rather than edit the above, I will add a new posting. I see what you mean about the groove depth, given those figures. 6.51mm would be .2563", while 6.46mm would be .2543", or a groove diameter of only .002" over the bore diameter, an impossibility. Somehow, I suspected the 6.5mm designation is only nominal and not a true measurement. So, I miked some 6.5x55 bullets (Swedish GI, Norma, and PMC, and they run 6.66-6.68mm. So, I slugged the bore of a nearly new M94 carbine barrel. Surprise! The ammo makers really do know something we don't - the actual bore is 6.46mm, but the actual groove diameter is 6.66mm.

So if we assume that the actual groove diameter of the rifles is 6.66mm (.2623") and the bore diameter is 6.46mm (.2543"), we have a difference of .008" in diameter, or .004" groove depth, a normal figure.

So why is the disc marked 6.5mm when it seems that figure is a fiction? I don't know, but I would almost bet it was more a matter of just sticking with the nominal number and making the actual gauges the right size.

In other words, Wildalaska may be right, and the disc figures really don't mean much in terms of absolute numbers, though they may be useful in indicating the amount of relative wear.

though they may be useful in indicating the amount of relative wear.

Thas assuming you know the date the disk was put on and how much it was shot thereafter...and of course whether the stock is matching...and of course whether the disk is original to the gun if the stock is matching.

I consiiser myslef to be pretty knowledgeable on swedes...when I look at one for purchase, I ignore the disk as looking cool but giving no info...

Had a Gun Show basement dealer try to explain to me that a unmarked disk was the best :) You can imagine my response.

I've read all this a few times and I'm still confused. However, anything on any milsurp should be taken with a grain of salt. You really have no idea when the last arsenal anything was done or if a 'screw disk' is original.
If you want to know what the bore diameter is, slug it. Hammer a cast bullet through the barrel and mike it. Then load accordingly.
When I said that the disc may provide some relative info, I knew that any info was only valid at the time of the last arsenal inspection, and assumed the reader did also. As to the stock, after all these years anything is possible, but most Swedes seem to have had their original stocks when they were imported. Sweden was neutral in both World Wars, so their rifles didn't get beat up like ones used by the combatants. The result was that few had stocks replaced or heavy refinishing done.

Just a final followup. After some e-mail exchange with Chuck Hawks, the consensus is that the two rings on the disc are actually to be read as one range. Going from small to large, the inner arc starts at 6.46, then 6.47, 6.48, 6.49, 6.50; at that point, the series shifts to the outer arc for 6.51, 6.52 and so on to 6.59. Actual gauging would have started with the highest number (largest gauge). If that didn't fit, they would go to the next smaller. When one fit, that was the number marked on the disc with a triangle.

But, as Wildalaska says, no matter what the markings meant in Swedish service, they mean little today, especially since many of those rifles have been in this country since about 1960.
