George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Seeing there are a lot of folks who enjoy games...
What do you guy's think of the SWAT and SWAT2?
I bought SWAT for 5 bucks at WALMART... And while I found it interesting... I thought overall it sucked.
Then SWAT2 came out and I downloaded a demo version... and again found it to be interesting and all. But as a PLAYABLE GAME, it was most especially lame.

POSTAL by a little company called RUNNING WITH SCISSORS was a lot more fun...

"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"

-- Adolph Hitler
September, 1935

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Your experience pretty much mirrors those of other Sierra customers, especially with the 'SWAT' series of games. The upcoming 'SWAT 3' is being touted as a 'Rainbow 6' killer, but many fear it is only a first-person translation of 'SWAT 2'. In any case, the late release of 'SWAT 3' will make much this moot. Frankly, it will take a lot to pry folks away from 'R6: Rogue Spear' when it hits store shelves in less than four weeks.
Daniel is right on about the upcoming Rogue Spear. I've had some of the same bad experiences fishing for a deal on games at Wal Mart. I always look there though because if I know a game like the upcoming Tiberian Sun which will print 2.2 million copies is released the price comes down quick and will be available there at a discount. There are plenty of opportunities to demo games beforehand if you look around. This will give you an idea even though the unfinished game may be a little different than what you will play when the game is complete. Go to a reveiw site like Gamespot and you might save some frustration.
Yeah the swat games are awfull , rainbow 6 is great except for the ai but that is supposed to be fixed in rouge spear ,can't wait for that to come out........just my 2cents.....

Never played SWAT. Played a demo of SWAT2. Except for the controls, I liked it just fine . Can't say I'd recommend the game to anyone. If you want 3/4 perspective squad level combat, X-Com: Apocalypse is the better alternative. You can play that one in either realtime OR turn-based. Beat that! My copy costed me $20USD and that was several months ago. Great time to pick one up if you haven't already.
Xcom:Apocolypse was a nightmare in micro management which took away from the game play. I did finish it though.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

I have some CD ROMS I think I will put up for trade:
Command and Conquer "RED ALERT"
STAR CRAFT & BROOD WAR (with the books)
Star Wars REBELLION (a strategy game)
POWER DOLLS (a turn based stratagy game - good for some older systems)
Duke Nukem 3D Atomic edition
NAPLAM (aka NAM) (uses the BUILD engine like DUKE... Think Duke Nukem in vietnam)
OUTLAWS by Lucas Arts (One of the best 1st person shooters ever. Every western youv ever seen all rolled into one)
Diablo & Hellfire expansion One of the best games EVER. ***WARNING - more addictive than CRACK!***

If anyone likes - email me about a trade... I am in need of some new PC games. I like stratagy - 1st Person Shooters - and flight/fighting sims (hate PEACEFUL flight simms)... I am running a Pentium 100 with 64 megs of ram...
Or I will trade ALL THE ABOVE for a P-233 chip! :)

"We learn from history that we learn nothing from history."

-- George Bernard Shaw

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited August 31, 1999).]
Did Blizzard ever finish Diablo II, with 4 towns, a wilderness area, 5 character classes, several "dungeons", many more unique items, etc? Sounds like it would have been a kick in the pants. Is the hellfire expansion the same thing, or just more of Diablo I?

As far as real-time strategies, Warcraft and Starcraft rock, but the best game I've ever played is Microsoft's Age of Empires. I love that game - amassing an army of like, 40 or more units and going on a massive boat invasion - awesome!

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited September 02, 1999).]

You know, I'm actually afraid of posting so much about games on a forum like this. Sooner or later, someone is going to come around and say, "SB! Why have you wasted so much money on video games? When you could have bought so many more guns, or gun-related stuff?!" But despite the risk, I shall continue, though not without trepidation. ;)

Diablo II should be coming out soon. I suspect they're going to try to ship it out just in time for Christmas shopping.

Hellfire is an expansion set of Diablo I. However, if you love your Diablo, Hellfire is a very worthy addition. Aside from the usual additions one would expect such as more spells, magic, and items, you also get a brand new character to play with: The Monk. Now, the Monk is very cool because, with a staff, he can hit as many as 3 opponents with one hit. He can't wear anything more than leather I think, before he starts getting AC penalties. The upside to that is that, by selling your heavier armors, the Monk is the perfect money-making character. Which is great because one of the new quest items allows you to place twice the amount of gold per slot. And no, the Monk isn't more vulnerable because his AC is heavily beefed up by his DEX. Naturally, there are brand new sub-dungeons nicely peppered along the landscape for you to play with, housing new monsters. Finally, some of the game-play elements have nicely balanced out. The chests and shrines of the original heavily favors the player, but in Hellfire, the consequences can be such as severe as the rewards (which is neither life-threatening nor terribly rewarding). Also, the Monk has more balanced stats. I mean, who really needs a max of 255 anyways? The max state of the monk is 125 I think. The good news is that two of his stats is like that. One of them is the DEX (of course), but I can't remember what the other one is.

A quick word on real-time tactical games: As much fun as they are, no one that I know of has yet to be able to crack the problem of the rush advantage. Often times, a board is beaten through sheer numbers rather than through cunning. But maybe that'll change someday.
The Rush Advantage is pretty much solved in BROOD WAR. A mass of units is pretty much toast with the new area effect additions... a touch smarter AI and a few extras...
It's not a final solution - bit makes the game much more challenging...
"I had 20 seige tanks over there! What happened to them!?!?"


Hell Fire gives you a Cool new charicter class called a Monk - He kicks butt... quite literally. But wont be in DII. DII usess a whole new charicter system so old heros cant be used in the new. But old hero CAN be used in hellfire. It gives you new items too - and a new dungeon area that is challenging in the lower depths... at the bottom it is kinda spooky...

"The rage is relentless... We need a movement with a quickness.
You are a witness of change and to counteract - We gotta take the power back!"

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac