SWAT team leg holsters

Dusty Rivers

New member
When I look at news video where SWAT is present , Seal Teams or special action teams, it appears that most have a leg holster for at least one of their handguns. Why do they use leg holsters over traditional holsters?

Having walked that walk for a cpl decades now, here is my rationale for “thigh rigs”.

The MAIN reason is to get the holster off the belt line and below your armor. On an hour by hour basis, the handgun is worn there so that armor can be put on quickly in a call-out.

Most guys tend to wear the holster too low and that actually hampers the draw.
I was on SWAT for 12 years in a good sized department in the DFW area.

Sharkbite is right. The hard armor, gas mask bag etc are a pain to carry. The gun below the waist line really helps.

Also, rappelling, with a Swiss seat low around your waist it would invariably be tangled around your gun and holster in the normal position.
Even without the vest, the belt now holds so much *other* gear that the holster gets shoved down... also the thigh mount is more convenient when you're in a vehicle; most modern seats have side bolsters which can be a real hassle with a full size gun in an outside holster.
Sharkbite and Sgt are on it. The main reason is body armor. I carried an M9 a fair bit overseas with body armor. I have carried the green flap of death. The mandate of side saapi plates pretty much mandated a drop leg holster. That being said, I hated it after I wore it on a few foot patrols. It wasnt bad at all when mounted and for short dismount operations. It is also a little more convenient when your primary weapon is a rifle and you practice transition drills. Its a little more out of the way.

That being said, if you ever have to walk more than a few hundred yards at a time a drop leg holster gets old quick. If you have to run? It gets old REAL quick. A good belt holster does the trick 99% of the time.

*Back to the military green flap holster. I dont know why but it was one of the most comfortable wearing holsters ever, as crude as it is. You wont win fastdraw competitions, but its excellent retention and comfortable to wear.
"...and below your armor..." Puts the pistol below the bottom of a parka, etc., too. Armoured types use 'em as well.
"...the military green flap holster..." It's primary purpose is as a load bearing device that also protects the kit for the status symbol military pistol. Isn't made for or intended to be used for quick draw any more than the 19th Century SAA flap holster was.