SWAT members quit in NE Fla


Retired Screen Name
Anybody know why the 4 SWAT members of the Jax Beach team quit? Any idea?

This was on the local news after the story about the flashbang/incindiary cannister use and confession by the ATF/FBI (?) at WACO. I believe that they did not quit the force all together but rather just resigned from the team.

Nothing more was said. I will check the update after the Dallas vs Jax game. And I will check the local paper tomorrow.
I just thought that was interesting.
My guess would be political or policy application. If one quits it could be almost anything from personal differences to a non-public disciplinary action.
If four quit, it's usually planned together, or in support of one the others feel was dealt an injustice, or in revolt against some departmental policy or orders, or a fairly public statement of non-support for a higher-up. Could be almost anything, but I'd say it's political or policy oriented.

Just my opinion.
This is interesting...
Do we have any members there in the know?

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Thanks Ground Level,

Sounds good to me, as I never did see or hear anything else. Maybe I just was'nt paying much attention ( as usual whenever I see the news). I just remember the story aired after the newest story of the WACO tapes were released. The local news showed the team entering a training dwelling using a flashbang. Then said 4 members quit.
Oh well. Thanks again.