Swarovski discount?


I would like to purchase a pair of Swarovski binoculars and have been looking at quite a few different sources.
As far as I can tell, all Swarovski dealers have pretty much the same "suggested retail" prices.
I have seen some marked down demos but not in the 8X42 I need for the woods.
Was wondering if anyone has found them at a discount?
If you are locked in to a particular brand of high end optics, you would be prudish not to expect to pay the price for high end optics.

They are expensive by my standards.

I can't remember ever seeing these at a discount anywhere.
I am fairly certain you will never find a discount as they have a pretty strict MAP requirement with all of their vendors and if they ever advertise below their minimums they can lose their authorized dealer status. You may be able to haggle a bit if you called a shop but I wouldn't expect much

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I have Swarovski binoculars (actually two) and a Kahles binocular. The Swarovski binos are terrific, but so is the Kahles. I have never (I think) seen either brand "on sale" at a lower than regular price (except demos.)
My advice on optics is ALWAYS CamerLand of NY. The folks there are great to deal with and are participants on this board.

They handle all the major brands and sometimes have "open box" items that have been displayed at things like Shot Show etc.

My final tip would be to check out Minox before you pony up the $ for Swarovski. In 2010 I had the good fortune to hunt in South Africa. My pH carried Swarovski binos and used Leupold scopes.

Near dark one night (which is very black in the bush of SA) we compared my Minox binos to his Swarovski. They were very very close in light collection and clarity. Ian commented that he had compared a lot of the Minox and considered them equal to Swarovski except for a much lower price. Hope it helps.