swapping xd40 for norinco sks


New member
I'm in the middle of brokering a deal, trading my xd 40 4 inch, black (in good condition) for a norinco sks. The sks has a bayonet, but lacks the original ten round magazine. I haven't seen or shot it yet but it if it shoots well and has a good finish, is this a good trade?

The XD is worth about $75 to $100 more on the used market than the SKS (around Wyoming anyway)
But if you have a better use for a rifle than a pistol it might not be a bad trade for you if you are looking at the "mission statement" of the guns and not the dollar value.
When deals are under $100 in trade difference I usually let the other factors decide. In this case both are pretty easy to find so I would just base it on which I wanted more
Bad trade for you. Good for the guy getting the XD. Norinco SKS's are "meh" in my book. Yes, I've owned & shot the Chicom and I've shot (but not owned) the XD.
Bad trade for you. Good for the guy getting the XD. Norinco SKS's are "meh" in my book. Yes, I've owned & shot the Chicom and I've shot (but not owned) the XD. So, unless you really need a rifle in an intermediate caliber. don't do it.
But, then, I paid $100 for my Norinco SKS back in the day.

Remember when gas was 69 cents a gallon? ;):D

The XD would shoot better groups at 100 yards.

:D Now that's funny right there.

Feeling no love for the SKS in this thread - that's ok, mine brings a smile to my face every time I pull it out of the safe, & evey time I fire it. Friend of mine (ex- Marine) who is damn good with a rifle, liked my SKS and commented on how accurate it was.

If you are patient, you can find an original 10 round fixed mag.. I recommend this. Nearly all of the aftermarket, high-cap mags for an SKS feed poorly.

Re: the trade.. can the other guy sweeten the deal with some ammo?
With the prices of the SKS skyrocketing over the last year or so, I'd say they are worth about the same on the current market. I actually frequently see XDs go for quite a bit less than any SKS variant here in the Chicagoland area. Just because we all paid good prices on our SKS doesn't mean that we'll ever see those deals again (we won't). I hear that the Chinese copies are inferior to other makes, but it really depends on a certain amount of features of that particular rifle and regardless of what it does or doesn't have, they are considered good rifles. If it were me, I'd prefer the rifle over the handgun, but that's considering that I already own something useful in a pistol and need a rifle. I would also ditch the detachable mag and try and hunt down an original fixed. Stripper clips are cheap on Ebay!
Good deal? I don't know, if he buba'd it and it's missing parts, I don't think so. Sounds like he removed the original mag & mag well to put in a 20 or 30 round mag. You will have to spend extra to keep to bring it back to C&R or it's illegal to use. If he put in the 10 piece conversion kit, then yes, if not then no.

I would look for a Yugo SKS with all matching serial numbers, that would be a better deal.


Early Norincos weren't too bad, but the later (commercial market) production was pretty sloppy.

For an early rifle that hasn't been butchered and Tacticooled-out, it's a reasonable trade (if you really want an SKS).
For a later production Norinco... I'd hang on to the XD.

Something else to consider:
If the parts count hasn't been complied with, in accordance with 18 U.S.C. § 922(r) and 27 C.F.R. 478..... the extra-capacity magazine makes the rifle a 922(r) violator. (Except for the rare chance that it's an original "paratrooper" model; but, then you shouldn't be getting it in trade for an XD, either.

Now, if you can find a beat up, but usable, Russian SKS... Good trade. :D
Not a great trade unless you REALLY need a rifle. Missing parts scare me as well. I'd really look it over well if you still go with that trade.
I've been trying to sell a Norinco SKS in great shape and all original for $315 and haven't sold it yet. Your gun should easily bring $400, so no, it isn't a great deal for you.
A $400 pistol for a $300 (maybe), incomplete rifle. Great deal for the other guy!
.................................BESIDES THAT, read Rule #1
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MAN wheres the love for the SKS on here??

For what its worth I enjoy my Norinco. It takes AK mags and ive never had an issue with it. However, like others have said, id be cautious about trading for one with missing parts.

my advice is keep the XD and save up to buy an sks if you want one