Swaged Lead Bullet Sources

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New member
Anyone know of any good sources for purchasing quality swaged lead bullets for reloading. I will even settle for QUALITY cast bullets. By quality cast bullets I mean bullets that are actually sized properly if such a thing exists.
for swaged bullets you might try wideners of tennessee.most of my handguns do well with the hard cast type but i have a S&W md 27 that really shines when i feed it swaged lead.good luck


Has everyone forgotten Rainier? It is a swaged lead bullet that is electroplated with copper to make it indoor range friendly-about 25% more than cast but attractive and effective and a MUST if you're trying to camoflage reloads with a surly rangemaster-all major houses offer Ranier

Swaged = forced into a mold by mechanical pressure

Cast = poured into a mold while molten

Typically, swaged bullets are more uniform than cast bullets since they don't have any air bubbles within them. But swaged bullets also tend to be softer and so generally aren't driven any faster than 900 feet per second (or so).

I've gotten outstanding accuracy (2.5" groups at 50 yards) from Star swaged bullets in the .45 ACP. Star is based in Indianapolis but their bullets can be purchased through Weidener's.
A problem that I have had is that all of the cast bullets I have used were too small for the bores of my S&W .38/.357 revolvers. This has led to poor accuracy and severe leading, much more so than Hornady swaged bullets that I have used with the same powder charge (.38 & .38 +P). The swaged bullets are consistently more accurate also.

While I'm satisfied with the performance of the Hornadys, cast bullets are significantly cheaper than swaged and cheaper bullets=more fun.
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