SW Model 66 vs Ruger SP101 with 2.75 inch barrels


New member
I'm interested in opinions about the new SW Model 66 and the Ruger SP101, each with a 2.75 inch barrel. For example how would the triggers compare with a decent action job?

I've never owned a double action Ruger revolver but I own a number of S&Ws. Please don't tell me to just wait until a 3 inch K-frame magnum comes up. While I may end up doing that, that's not the question.

BTW, I have read the thread about new vs. old Model 66s. Thanks.
I've owned many, many SW revolvers over the last forty-eight years of shooting handgun and most of them had pretty decent triggers on them. I've owned a few Ruger revolvers and the triggers were less favorable out of the box, but they could be made pretty good. I shot major competition for many years and I'm pretty astute on what a good trigger is and what it isn't. That being said, I recently purchased a Ruger SP101 3"bbl in .357mag, and I got it with the intention of shooting full power mag loads out of it double action. It's a woods carry gun I felt I might need due to a large amount of close interactions I've had with black bears over the last several years. Lately I've found a few to be a bit overly aggressive and curious. Out of the box the Ruger was pretty much lacking in a decent double action trigger. I installed Wolfe springs in it and added some shims and polished some internals and it slicked up pretty nice. I can keep ten shots fired double action inside 3.7" at twenty-five yards shooting off hand. I'm not as good as I used to be when I was shooting competition, but I'm still pretty pleased with the gun, the trigger, and the accuracy of the Ruger. FWIW, I was shooting 180g Hornady XTP HP on top of a full charge of WW296. The same load I use for deer hunting with my 686's.
I looked over the new M66 and was impressed. I haven't shot one, but I'd have no issues buying one anyway.

OTOH, I've never been a fan of the SP101 - it's too big and clunky for a "small" 5-shot revolver. It's also got the ergonomics of a 2x4.
Even with a trigger job on my wife's SP101, it still is the worst revolver trigger I've ever experienced. Compared to my Smiths, it is barely acceptable. Yes, Rugers are solidly built. So are dump trucks, but do you really want to drive one to the office every day?
Even with a trigger job on my wife's SP101, it still is the worst revolver trigger I've ever experienced.
You need to find someone who knows how to do a trigger job. Ruger's can have good triggers. I'm a SW fan most of the time, but Rugers can be made to work well. I used a Bill Davis modified Ruger Security Six to shoot three matches at Sportsman's Team Challenge and ran the precision event two out of three times (shooting DA). Most guys with custom autos didn't run the event. I've found over the years that when people discuss "good" triggers their interpretations vary widely on what's good and what isn't. I've had guys hand me their pride and joy at those shoots and ask me what I thought of their trigger (they're usually grinning from ear to ear when they do this). Some were very good and some felt like the gun had a safety that was on. They all thought they had a good trigger. I always like to think that the proof is in the pudding.

My new S&W Model 66 had a better trigger than any of my STOCK Ruger SP101s. This Weigan modified SP101 has a better trigger than the one that came with my new S&W Model 66 however it is not as smooth and light as my now MODIFIED S&W new Model 66.
The Ruger® SP101 357 Magnum comes with a 2¼" or 3" barrel; NOT a 2¾" barrel. The older Security Six series were offered with a 2¾" barrel.
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Good question...

A few caveats... I've owned both revolvers and my preference is for the S&W 66, and I also prefer the older models, pre-MIM, pre-lock, pre-two piece barrels, etc. but am open to the new designs. Both are quality firearms.

The S&W Model 66 and the Ruger SP101 are both belt guns due to their weight, so why not get the extra round with the S&W?

S&W's, due to their removable side plate are easier to do a quality action job on than the Ruger is.

The leaf spring on the Smith provides a better trigger pull generally than the coil mainspring on the Ruger.

I've found the S&W K Frames much easier to shoot comfortably than the Ruger SP101. The Ruger SP101 has some sharp edges, especially around the trigger that I've always found uncomfortable. The Ruger GP100 is on par with the S&W in terms of shootability but it is a bigger gun.

Overall, I would recommend the S&W Model 66. It will have a higher potential for a better trigger, is more shootable with full house 357 Magnum loads and the overall ergonomics of the design are better, at least for me.

Hope this helps...

In response to the original question about action jobs on the triggers… I think the Smith is always going to win.

I don't have a 2.75 barrel but I do have a 66-3 3" inch barrel that is great to shoot. I actually never carry it as it's too big for me... although I love the gun. I had always carried a 637 but after handling an SP101 I never looked back for every day carry. The extra weight of the Ruger doesn't bother me at all but the physical size makes it my go to.

Trigger though... Smith.
Thanks for all the replies. The posts had pretty well confirmed my first thought. I'll probably go with the Model 66 when I get my gun budget replenished.
Having 2 speedloaders for my 5 round SP101s and several Bianchi speed strips make reloading the 5 round SP01 a snap....not an issue. One of my SP01s has a good trigger, but the other one doesn't. I would just try before I bought if I could.
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I own lot of S&W two and three inch snubbies, a Kimber K6s, and a 3" SP101 that the previous owner spent money on a great trigger job.
The Ruger's trigger quality exceeds any S&W I own and is close to the K6S from Kimber.
The SP101 is the only revolver in my collection that I can qualify with shooting scores over 90% using either hand.
That said, in my opinion, the Ruger has the worst sights of any of the above mentioned. Somehow the dang thing just naturally points where I want the bullet to go.

I think a better comparison for the 3” SP101 is the 3” Model 60; mine is a 60 Pro. I have smoothed the triggers of both and had S&W J frame sights installed on the SP101. The original sights are pretty bad. With equal sights, etc., in a head to head contest, I still shoot the 60Pro a bit better than the 101. I like both, but if push came to shove, I would probably pick the 60Pro.
Thanks for the suggestion on the M60 but I don't want a J-frame, want a K-frame if I go SW. I have a Model 60 with three inch barrel. Even with a slicked up trigger, it's never going to approach what you can do with a K-frame. I'm just inexperienced with Ruger revolvers.
My friend and I bought brand-new SP101's a few minths apart. His has a good trigger. The one on mine stinks. Apparently you can get lucky or unlucky.

Another friend has an old Model 66. It has the best DA trigger I have ever shot.

For shooting I would get a 66. For carrying I would still think about the SP101 due to its smaller size, though I would want to check its trigger.