SW 686 rear site -loose?


The rear site on my new 686 seems a tiny bit loose. It does not move but when I tap it on top it jiggles a bit.
thanks in advance
Are you talking about where the sight assy mounts to the frame or where the sight blade mounts to the sight base?
Blade to the site base...it wiggles a bit on my friends 686 also. Its the one with the white box outline.
Mine does it too. I always found it kinda funny, but it never hurt anything and seems to always go back up to the vertical position by itself. Maybe something in the design to keep it from getting beat up or something? I wouldnt imagine we all had broken sights.


*edit* I double checked my 686 when I got home from work, and mine does not wiggle after all. I know I had some gun that did what you described but it never really affected accuracy on it. I think maybe the Marlin 336 that I used to borrow for hunting. :confused: The 686's rear sight clicks when I go to adjust it with the screw. Does yours or your friends? Maybe someone cranked on it too far and stripped it out?
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Most of my Smith's rear sight blade wiggles fore and aft a few micrometers. Bothers me but what can I do? It's an adjustable sight.
I shot an adjustable sight assy loose on a 686 during a bowling pin match one time. That was after many thousands of rounds between my father and myself. S&W replaced it, but it was VERY loose. For the rest of the match, I had to hold low and line up the top of the gun with the pins.

Most S&W adjustable sights have that slight movement to them, as long as it's not effecting accuracy, it's normal. I've always felt that the S&W adjustable sight is a little fragile, so I'm planning to try C&S's fixed sight setup on one of my 629's.