Sutherlin, Oregon Homeowner Arrested for Killing Home Invader


This is a follow-up to the story I previously reported about a homeowner in Sutherlin, OR who shot and killed a man who came into his home in the middle of the night. Yesterday, a Grand Jury indicted Keith Cramer of second degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide in the shooting death of Michael Shane Smith. A Judge immediately issued an arrest warrant for Cramer, and he turned himself in earlier this morning. These charges require a minimum sentence of 6 years in state prison under Oregon Law, with no possibility of earlier parole.

Mr. Smith, who was from Alaska and leaves behind a widow and two fatherless children, had been caring for his terminal ill mother who lived in Sutherlin. However, she died on May 28th, and Smith was reported to have become very depressed and despondent while seeing to the affairs of her estate. He spent the night of June 19th heavily drinking at a bar, and police believe that he was disoriented and did not know where he was when he entered the Cramer residence and collapsed and fell asleep on the living room sofa.

Cramer's wife awoke to find the stranger in their home, and fled the house with her daughter. She drove to a nearby bar where her husband had also been spending the night drinking. Without notifying the authorities, the couple drove back to their home. There the wife got a phone and called 911, while the husband retrieved his high-powered deer rifle, and then had a confrontation with the now awake Smith.

Police have reported that when they arrived a few minutes later, they found the dead body of Mr. Smith still lying on the sofa. Cramer has claimed self-defense, and alleged that Smith had attacked him. The Oregon State Police crime lab assisted the Sutherlin police department in the investigation.

Obviously, this homeowner appears to have shown poor judgment in following the law, and is now facing the consequences of his actions. This case illustrates that it may not always be the right thing legally to do, to shoot a stranger that is inside your home.

Here are some news reports about these latest developments in this case:

And here is a photo of Oregon State Troopers investigating the crime scene:

Hope the stupid s.o.b. gets to spend a lot of time in prison! Should probably get the needle.
That's a might extreme. The circumstances sound really questionable, but the dead perp apparently DID invade another's home . . .

But like kenny b, I'd rather hear ALL the facts before passing judgement.
Regarding issues that are in dispute in the case, Cramer's attorney recently made a public statement claiming that Smith made a sudden movement, and that Cramer thought that he was going for a weapon. His lawyer said that then caused him to fear for his life, and lead to him firing his rifle. However, the police investigation showed that Smith was actually unarmed, and had no weapons on him. His dead body was also still lying on the sofa.

When police initially questioned Cramer moments after the shooting, Cramer is quoted in court documents as telling officers that Smith "beat me". If that was the case, I find it a bit odd that Cramer's attorney is now making public statements regarding this "sudden movement" by Smith being his legal justification for shooting. And if Smith indeed did attack Cramer, how was it that the body was found still on the sofa? Certainly these points will be clarified during the trial. An Oregon State Police forensics team did a careful examination of the scene of the shooting, and the results of their investigation are not yet publicly known.

A background investigation of Smith also showed that he had no criminal history.

What is known for sure is that both men were highly intoxicated when the confrontation took place. So this incident sure seems to me to be a very strong argument for sobriety. For bad things can definitely happen to you when you are drunk.

Cramer's attorney is just spinning a lie that he hopes will keep his client out of prison. I wasn't serious about the needle. I know that Oregonians don't have the stomach for real punishment! :D