Sutherland Springs church shooting redux

The National Shooting Sports Foundation has announced that the government, of behalf of the Air Force, has agreed to settle claims against the government for $144.5 million dollars. For those who aren't aware or don't remember, the shooter was a former Air Force enlisted man who had multiple disqualifying factors from his time in the Air Force, but the Air Force didn't report the information to NICS.

The federal government agreed the U.S. Air Force failed to submit appropriate records into the FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) that would have prohibited firearm purchases by the murderer in the 2017 Sutherland Springs, Texas, First Baptist Church tragedy. The murderer had a prior domestic violence assault conviction, was involuntarily committed to a mental health facility and dishonorably discharged, all prohibiting factors. The Air Force didn’t report those to the FBI, so they didn’t register in the background check when he purchased firearms. As a result, the government will pay 75 plaintiffs, the families of victims, more than $144.5 million to bring the case to a close. The Biden administration had been fighting against the case and the settlement, all while pushing for universal background checks and more gun control. This tragedy led to the NSSF-supported bipartisan Fix NICS Act named after our FixNICS® campaign.
The Biden administration had been fighting against the case and the settlement....
On what possible basis could Biden have been so dead set against settlement...
given the Executive was so credibly at fault in the critical factor in any background
check process?

(He asks...)

More stuff:

And more... in which the gov't effectively says
".... well..., the Background Check wouldn't have worked anyway..."

BREAK BREAK: Now that I think about it. Biden's position becomes pervertedly logical:
"Unless you give us complete control ...(Universal BCs), we can't be blamed if we fail
to uphold those actions that would actually make such a BC work"
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BREAK BREAK: Now that I think about it. Biden's position becomes pervertedly logical:
"Unless you give us complete control ...(Universal BCs), we can't be blamed if we fail
to uphold those actions that would actually make such a BC work"

Disagree. In part, anyway.
In this case Govt HAD "complete control" over all the information, and FAILED ANYWAY.

Additionally, the idea that even complete and or "enhanced" background checks will prevent all gun crimes is simply a fantasy. No background check does anything to someone who has nothing disqualifying in their background.
44 AMP said:
Additionally, the idea that even complete and or "enhanced" background checks will prevent all gun crimes is simply a fantasy. No background check does anything to someone who has nothing disqualifying in their background.
Like the Las Vegas shooter ...
You both failed to see that my Tongue/Cheek Satire Lamp was dimly-lit.

There was no real logic to the Biden position -- save that without having
surrendered to them total complete control, they could not be blamed.

jury didn't buy it.
pesky juries....

Then there's this:
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland's office still needs to approve the settlement amount before it is completely finalized. More than 75 plaintiffs involved in the settlement must also secure "the required court approvals,"

Oh.... and complete/total Universal background checks didn't work?
We need to take all the guns.
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ah, so the dim bulb was you! this time :rolleyes:


its usually me, :D
The Smilies help brighten the picture, even if, like I sometimes do, I use the wrong one, :eek:

(sarcasm intentional) is easily understood, but a PITA to type all the time. ;)

Thanks for clarifying your intent.
Like the Las Vegas shooter ...

Or pretty much any of them. The vast majority of mass shooters didn't have anything on file prior to buying the weapons they used, and the vast majority bought their guns at retail.

The background check can't stop someone if law enforcement simply won't prosecute for dangerous behavior (see: Columbine and Parkland) or if the information is never sent to the NICS database (like the Naval Yard shooting and Tucson).

But this is the MO for gun control: if an idea doesn't work, it proves we just need more of that idea.