Survey - Trust

You can't trust 100% of every group so this will be generalising-
Do you trust
a - the government
b - the army
c - the police
d - firefighters
e - your grandmother
f - barney the dinosaur
NO on all counts, though the firefighter, by the virtue of their record and typical lack of incentives for mischief, are mistrusted much less than the other groups. Amending that, one grandmother has the trust , one doesn't. Barney would be just about the only game I'd hunt for sport :)

Then again, what kind of trust are we talking about? I trust most people enough not to cover them continually with a rifle...but I would not trust them enough to give them keys to my home. In terms of viewing them as a positive or a negative factor, overall most would end up slightly to severely negative. Again, firefighters, like most other professions, have neither the incentives nor the legal protections to make them a serious threat...while mr. friend of the people has the ability and sometimes the attitude for that.
Cornered Rat RKBA posters Portrait, nature photos

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited November 04, 1999).]
a - the government No.
b - the army No. (See above.)
c - the police Yes, strangely. Mostly.
d - firefighters Sure, why not?
e - your grandmother Moot.
f - barney the dinosaur Only if I was paying him.

See Mykl's sig. If you're paying them, you get some say... Oh, wait-- we seem to have forgotten that about the government... Lemme rethink this... ;)
a - Yes, to get in my business
b - Yes, to fight wars (let's not underestimate the importance of that)
c - Yes, to file a report after the crime has taken place
d - Yes, to extinguish fires that probably could have been prevented, had someone been paying closer attention
e - Sure. One is dead, and suspicion of the dead borders on paranoia, even for me. The other I can trust to bake bread and be grandmotherly.
f - Yes, to convince children that dinosaurs have a singular, smooth white dental plate on both the top and bottom of their mouths.

Trust is relative. :)
C: The Officers Yes, The Machine behind them - NO!
D: Yes
F: Hell NO.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
a - the government Not a bloody chance!
b - the army The Aussie army? Yes
c - the police 90% of the cops on the street -- yes. The police hierarchy -- see the answer to (a) above!
d - firefighters Yes, no reason not to
e - your grandmother Yep, she's 98, blind and deaf and in a nursing home -- but I trust her implicitly
f - barney the dinosaur Who?

B. NO, from bitter experience (7 years of my life)
C. Not any more, from bitter experience.
D. Yes, the only dependable people in my neck of the woods, they are all volunteers and are always there when you need them.
E. Both dead, both were pre WW2 generation, the people who really built this country. I would trust them without question.
F. Inside the costume is probably a whiny Liberal actor who voted for Clinton, NO WAY!
First let me start off by saying that I trust everyone until they prove me wrong... then watch out, I believe in tripple revenge. :) Also there are exceptions to every rule and there are individuals within each group which I do trust.

a - the government - Not as a rule
b - the army - Depends on the function they are performing.
c - the police - Most individuals I trust, the leadership no.
d - firefighters - Most
e - your grandmother - N/A
f - barney the dinosaur - Don't know, I try to stay as far away from anything that resembles barney as possible. Hell, who wants to turn purple?


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
2-Yes, as long as #1 isn't calling the shots!
3-Yes, the're held back by the system not themselves...mostly
5-Yes, or she may kill me while I sleep... ;) Love you nanny
6-Hell M#^%%^ fu%$ng NO! He's the ANTICHRIST!

"Walk softly and carry a big stick, perferably one of the 12 guage variety!"
a - the government ~~~NOPE~~~~
b - the army~~~~yes~~~~
c - the police~~~some~~~
d - firefighters~~~~yes~~~~
e - your grandmother~~~~`only one that I do trust~~~~~
f - barney the dinosaur~~~~~He is not allowed in my house, so no~~~~~~ :)

I am now an NRA member! :)
Others--sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Government- trust 'em as far as I could throw a fit.
Army- depends on the unit.
Police- Mostly.
Firefighters- Absolutely.
Your grandmother- I'm certain she's a pleasant, elderly Aussie lady who'd feed me Vegamite sandwiches with Foster's Lager, so sure, RA.
Barney the dinosaur- Reminds me too much of another fat guy in a suit pretending to be what he's not. Hint: "I love you, you love me, I'm going to raise your taxes and erode your freedoms, with a niknak...."
The answer is easy.
I trust everyone. I trust they will do anything they think they can get away with. Anything that they think is in their personal self interest.
A. Are you kidding? Not even as far as I could PUKE it!

B. Not with our current CiC. I trust that most soldiers, and their COs, know enough of honor and decency to not fight US citizens even i told, but you never know. I wouldn't put it past Big Comrade to ry it.

C. Here in Dallas, more less- yes for the line officers. A big fat N-O NO for the brass. I have read a comment here before that the srticter gun laws/more socialist the state, the more corrupt,lawless, and brutal the cops are. I think that is true- here in the South our police have a reputation for being heavy handed, but I've never seen anything to convince me of that. The cops by and large ARE the good guys, and police misconduct is not overlooked. The chiefs know we the people would have his butt in a sling if he let anything like that go on under his nose and he winked at it!

D. No reason not to. My uncle is a paramedic/firefighter with the Dallas FD, BTW.

E. That depends on which one you're talking about... I won't be any more specific ;)

F. Bologna the Dinosaur? I trust him to rot my brain and degrade my children's morals by teaching them 'a stranger is just a friend you haven't met'. :( AS my vision now become sclouded with red, I hear otherwordly voices... "let's hang Bharnee from a tree, with a knife in his back..."

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
a-you're joking right!!??
e-both dead. I still trust them more than the government.
f-No. I believe Barney is actually Charlie Manson on some kind of experimental release program. ;)

I Love My Country, But I Fear My Government!
A. Govt - hahahaha, Funny. Not a chance.
B. Army? Sure, I'd trust my daughter to them.... NOT!
C. police - Nope.
D. Firefighters - Kinda, I'd trust them enough to drink with them, but not get drunk!
E. They'd impress the poop out of me if either got out of the grave. I would be like Hamlet. I'd trust the dead. (After I checked it out for myself)
F. Nope.
