

Staff Alumnus
Clinton calls for more-forceful U.N.

World body must step up fight against poverty, mass killing, he tells members

NEW YORK, Sept. 21 — President Bill Clinton on Tuesday called on the United Nations to work harder to prevent mass slaughter and dislocation of innocent people in the coming century. “It is easy to say never again, but much harder to make it so,” he said in his annual address to the global body’s General Assembly.
Yeah, King William's the expert on mass slaughter and dislocation (insert obligatory Waco reference here).

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
I see that made no reference to the statement made yesterday by the Sec-Gen about the borders of a state must not be allowed to be used as a protection against punishment for such acts???? (not a direct quote but you get the idea).... they (UN) seem to think that national soverenty is something that MUST be ignored ......
you know..... coinneach.... I do not mean to continually knock the UN.... but if the shoe fits....what else can I say......
Um, so where were the blue helmets protecting the Davidian compound? Where were the blue helmets at Ruby Ridge? Just wondering...

"Do as I say, not..."

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
No.... I do not think they thought of that.... they were too busy sending them to run our park system.....
Does anyone know where I can find information on the UN having control over Federal Land? I have some people that will not believe until I can show them something in writting.

Thanks Allanh