Surplus pistols - not my thing


New member
For some reason I cannot explain, C&R surplus pistols have no appeal to me. I'm enamored with military surplus rifles and love collecting the usual suspects - Mausers, Swiss K31, SKS, etc. To me, those rifles have class and history. But the pistols...well...they're just "old".

Anyone else feel the same?
well, i have 0 c&r pistols but have 10 milsurp rifles so i would say that i must agree with you even though i really never thought about it.
Yes, actually I do. After years of "gathering" C&R rifles, I think the history and the pictures I saw as a kid just makes me like the rifles more. Just don't care for, nor been interested in the handguns.
Well, except for one-of course...a 1911, can't get along without that one.

Now B.P. revovlers and western revovlers, that's a different story.
May be that the pistols are often X times more than the rifles.

Or, you just aren't a pistol person.

Sadly, I accumulate them all :)
For some reason I cannot explain, C&R surplus pistols have no appeal to me.

Dr. Freud: But it seems you're having a type of subconscious attraction to them... Otherwise, why even mention it? Hmmmmm... I surmise that you MAY benefit from some handgun shooting therapy... Verrrry Interrrresting....

Perhaps you may break through your "resistance" and dive into the whirling pool of mysterious surplus pistols... all in good time... hmmm?
Darn now these old girls feel so unloved.:D

Well, I take that back. The Mauser C96 and Luger's do have an appeal, but they are usually pretty expensive.

I do like shooting handguns more than rifles, but all of my handguns are either new semi-autos, or classic Smith revolvers (and one SAA).

I don't know what it is, but those old military handguns just seem dingy, and like I said, the rifles have class.

But maybe I need to pick one up and see for myself. Which are the best 4 or 5 to start with?
I well say a lot of mil-surp pistols suffer from a bad case of the uglies, particularly east European bottom feeders.

Got to love the Broomhandles, Lugers, 1911's and S&W wheel guns.



Broomhandles, Lugers, 1911's and S&W wheel guns

Indeed. I don't consider Smiths and 1911's surplus since they are still being made today, and have several samples of both (but none are 'C&R' old).
What cheapshooter said....

I'm with ya on C&R pistols in general...just not my "thing" I guess...

BUT, my CZ-82 is my EDC... a modern handgun in every respect, and 13 rounds of 9x18 in a fixed-barrel, straight-blowback , all-steel IMPOSSIBLE to beat for a little over $200...

They're worth twice that. And the polygonal rifling with the fixed barrel makes them very accurate. I don't know how they got C&R status given they were the Czech M&P sidearm until 1993....but I'm sure glad they did!

And I've never had so much as a single FTF with any kind of ammo...
don't know how they got C&R status given they were the Czech M&P sidearm until 1993....but I'm sure glad they did!

Historic person, place, or event. No more communist Czechoslovakia after 1993.

The events, known as the Prague Spring of 1968, ended with an invasion by the armies of the Warsaw Pact countries (with the exception of Romania); the troops remained in the country until the 1989 Velvet Revolution, when the communist regime collapsed. On 1 January 1993, Czechoslovakia peacefully dissolved into its constituent states, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.