Surefire Prices?


New member
Is $50 a decent price for a new Surefire 6P? Can I find a 6Z for a similar price, or are they much more expensive? Also, does anyone have any sites to recommend for purchasing a Surefire? I haven't had any luck finding these lights in the stores around town. I'm taking a tactical handgun class in September, and the class requires that we bring either a Surefire or a Streamlight.

NRA & GOA Member
I think you've got a fairly good price. I'd try:

1. Lagger Pro (mentioned above);
2. Botach Tactical ( -- make sure you order via their web site and always call first to make sure your item is in stock); and
3. Brightguy (



Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

Thanks for the tips. I wound up ordering a 6Z from Botach since they have this light on sale right now ($54). I did call to check on availability, but after I did, the guy (Allen?) took my order over the phone. I hope this wasn't a mistake. Is there some particular reason you suggested ordering via the web?

The flashlight was in stock, but the Galco holster I also ordered was not. I hope Botach comes through with the order soon. Do I need to keep checking back with these folks?

By the way, I'm from the deep south, but I've visited Kennett Square. I've got a good friend from up that way. Chester County, right? Mushroom capitol of the world? It's pretty country up there.

NRA & GOA Member
I've bought probably 7 or 8 Surefire lights
from botach. Never had a problem, but I have
heard of others that were not told when
something was back-ordered. You will be very
happy with the 6Z. If you want you can up-
grade to the P61 lamp assy. and double your
light output with a substancial loss in run

The reason I say order via their web site is because Botach has been known to frequently mess up orders in the past.

You order a holster for your HK USP and you get a holster for a Glock 23. You call in your order and sometimes they don't bother to tell you that items are backordered and you sit for eight weeks wondering when your holster will arrive. Sometimes they just flat lose your order.

Check out -- Botach has excellent ratings for everything except for one category (customer service). The point to remember here is that with Botach, you want them to get the order right the first time, otherwise you may be in for a world of hassle (do a search here or on Glocktalk and you'll see what I mean).

I was wary of ordering from Botach until a buddy taught me the above trick. By calling first to make sure your item is in stock, I'd say you solve 90% of the problems with Botach. But by placing the order via their web site, they've got it nice and clear exactly what you want -- it's not somebody writing it down over the phone. Not only that, since Botach's shopping service is through, you get a nice record of your order (unlike a simple phone call) and a UPS tracking number to boot.

I'm 6/6 ordering from Botach. It's a risk, but IMHO sometimes their prices are worth it.

I have never ordered something from Botach when the item has been out of stock, so I don't know. Did you place the order for the Galco holster anyway? I tend to follow my buddy's rule that "if they don't have it in stock, don't order it". If the order has been placed, by all means call them occasionally to see how the order is progressing but don't be surprised if you can't get through (you hit voicemail all the time) or you don't get return calls, etc.

In any event, you made a good choice with the 6Z and I hope things work out for you. Yes, we are in Chester county -- I can't believe someone from the deep south knows my hometown but hey we do have our famous mushroom museum, right? :)


I'll stay on top of them. I'll also get someone in customer service repeat my order back to me when I call tomorrow. I need both these items for a handgun class in September, so I don't want any problems. I was told they would have the Galco in 3 to 5 business days and then would ship both items at that time. We'll see how it goes... If they screw me, I guess I'll be out on the range with a mag-light and a crappy gun show holster.

NRA & GOA Member
I didn't know about the P61 upgrade. Woo Hoo! I just ordered one.

Maybe I should pick up a few shares in Duracell while I'm at it.
Oh boy...

I called Botach again today just to make sure they have my order straight. They do, but now they're telling me both items (flashlight and holster) have to be ordered. However, I was also told that both items will be there and ready to ship on Monday.

We'll see. I'll call back Monday. If it's a no go, I guess I'll cancel my order and try somewhere else. Any other good sites that sell both Surefire and Galco??? I've got to have both a decent holster and a flashlight by September 9.

NRA & GOA Member

I don't know of a decent place that sells both (decent meaning good prices and good customer service) but I would look hard at Lagger Pro (mentioned above) for Surefire products. The prices are not that much more than Botach and they include free shipping to boot. Not only that, Wayne Lagger is a good guy and he'll take care of you.

Hey Justin,

No need to feel guilty. All is well (I think).

I just received an email, and both my items (Surefire and Galco) have shipped. I have UPS tracking numbers for both. Not only that; I got good deals on both items because Botach is running a "Super Summer Sale" through September 1. Saved $30 or so.

I thought I was going to have problems, but I stayed on top of the guys at Botach with a couple of insistent phone calls. Both items were backordered, but the Surefire came in and was shipped quickly. As for the Galco, I called yesterday and asked about its status. I got a little bit of hum-hawing around. "It will be here this week", he reassured me, but I emphatically pointed out that I was told the holster would be in yesterday (Monday). I also made it clear I had to have the holster for an upcoming class. The salesguy was pretty understanding; he even said they'd upgrade the shipping if it became necessary.

Anyway, they apparently got the holster in today and shipped it. The shipping invoice I received got the holster model right; I just hope they got it right at Botach.

Lesson learned: As you said, make sure items are in stock before ordering via the web. However, if you have to have something, keep reminding them you need your order. It's a toll free number after all. Might as well use it.

Thanks for the tips. I'll let you know how I like the flashlight.

NRA & GOA Member
Vote for your rights!!!
I got my P61 upgrade, and am pretty disappointed. It isn't brighter than the assembly that came with my 6Z. The hot spot in the center is larger, but of the same intensity as the P60.

I had anticipated a more intense light which would shine farther, not one that illuminated a larger area.

Ho hum.