Surefire light broken?

Sea Bass

New member
Hi guys,

Early in the month I went out to the range to shot my M-1 super 90. The surefire light bulb seems to be broken. I only put about 200 rnds. of light trap loads throught it.
Is this common for the bulb to prematurely go out like this? I will contact Surefire about
this soon. I kind of lost faith in the Surefire light system.
What batteries are you using? I have heard of similar problems stemming from the use of non-surefire replacement batteries i.e. two seperate batteries. Something about them coming apart just enough from the recoil to cause an arc across the two battery contacts with in turn causes a short "surge" across the bulb, causing it to fry itself. How old is the light? They all burn out at some point, but if it's fairly new, and you're using the supplied battery (looks like a 1 piece unit, but actually two piece bound by heat shrink tubing), and you can verify that the bulb is truly dead, give surefire a call and tell them about it. They may send you a free replacement. I've got three of their forearm housing/6v light pkgs, and I have yet to burn one out after a few years and several hundered rounds.
John, my Benelli housing was bought new and is less than a year old. I did call Surefire today and spoke to Craig in Customer Service.
He said they tested the bulbs to last up to 500 rnds. He recommended that during practice to take the bulb out to preserve it for actual usage. Surefire will send me a free replacement. I'm glad everything worked out. From now on I'll take the bulb out during practice. :)
John, my Benelli housing was bought new and is less than a year old. I did call Surefire today and spoke to Craig in Customer Service.
He said they tested the bulbs to last up to 500 rnds. He recommended that during practice to take the bulb out to preserve it for actual usage. Surefire will send me a free replacement. I'm glad everything worked out. From now on I'll take the bulb out during practice. :)