SureFire 6z vs. SureFire Z2


New member
What is the difference between the SureFire 6z and the SureFire Z2 Combatlights...they look the same. I can't figure it out, Any and all help would be appreciated.
The Z2 differs from the 6Z in the following ways:

1)LockOut TailCap - Disables the flashlight from activation during storage, transport or anytime when it would be inappropriate.
The LockOut TailCap is waterproof. Classic SureFires can (IMHO should) be upgraded with a Z41 LockOut TailCap accessory.

2)Antiroll Bezel feature - stops the flashlight from rolling away when you put it down etc.

3)Improved CombatGrip body ergonomics.

4)Lastest Lamp Modules have been improved in terms of robustness, shock resistance and reliability.

The Z2 is available in Black Level II Anodising and comes with a Lanyard. With adjustable CombatGrip and P60 Lamp Module.

I hope this helps.

The Z41 LockOut TailCap is about $25.
That and the improved Lamps are more then enough reason for me. I don't want a 6Z that's been sitting around somewhere for years. I want SureFires fresh out of the factory!

But then again, I have most of the Millennium Series because I want the best (shock isolated, waterproof, HA, etc) flashlights.

I would consider a 7Z if I found one with the right charger setup. Discontinued Models can still be found.

Thanks guys!

SureFire doesn't appear to update the website too often either!!! I think I am now gonna go with the M2. It has the Pyrex lens, so it won't melt withthe 120 lumen lamp for extended periods of time. Gonna have to spend more money, but it oughta be worth it. I HOPE!!!
The website is in the process of being upgraded. SureFire focus on the Engineering and Training developments and Customer Service. People like Ken J. Good and Paul Kim understand the importance of the internet hence the SureFire Forum but are very busy people.

Until the site is upgraded, the Forum is the most active part of the website, with a section for new product releases. The other site I highly suggest you visit is that of Paul Kim, SureFire's Leading Engineer and Product Development Manager -

If you want technical specs or photos etc, or sneak previews of proto-type models, this is the place to look!


I have seen that guys site before. Not too shabby. I found out what I needed at a local gun shop today. I really like the 6z. BUT the M2 comes with both lamps, and assorted goodies, so I'll just buy it. Thanks again.
Yeah, but the M2 costs substantially more. Now don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem selling you one for $112. Heck, I'll sell you three.

But, I own both and though the M2 has several advantages, including the shock isolated bezel, pocket clip, and Hard Anodized finish, I feel that the Z2 works just dandy as an everyday light.

It's comfortable to use, a bit smaller overall, and even though it doesn't have the pocket clip, it fits well in most pockets anyhow.

SureFire is, in my opinion, the BEST solution as a personal flashlight. And if you walk out of the house with your PDW, cellphone and spare mag, but don't have a light, you are doing something wrong.

If you plan on using a flashlight more than occasionally, do yourself a favor and invest in a recharger conversion kit or go whole hog and get yourself a 8AX (or NX), 9AN, or 10X Dominator rechargeable. They cost a bit more up front, but the battery savings alone make it worth it.
