Supressor Question.


New member
I'm wondering how supressors are effective. From what I understand, you need a subsonic round for it to work? How then would a silenced rifle like an m4 or ak be effective at all, when rifles need velocity? And how does a supressor affect rnage/accuracy? To me I have never wanted one and usually advise friends who are old enough for class 3 stuff not to get one, but could someone explain this to me,?am I giving good advice?
An M4 with a good suppressor sounds like a .22 with a loud action. A good can on a decent rifle will actually tighten up the groups a bit. If you think that a suppressor is supposed to take all the noise out of a gun so it goes "pfft." like in the movies... You have been watching to many movies. A suppressor is just hearing protection that the gun wears for you.

To me I have never wanted one and usually advise friends who are old enough for class 3 stuff not to get one,
Why? Because your friends would be "on the list"? The ATF doesn't come to your house to look at your privately owned suppressors/machine guns like so many people think. Why would you tell anyone not to buy NFA firearms?
I find a supressor on an AR to be a waste of money personally, and you look like the bad guy if you use it for SD. I'm all for the right to own it, I just don't think supressors are worth the money. Take into account most of my friends are college students like me and a supressor would be a good chunk of their income.
I hate to say it bud, but the prosecuting attorney will have a field day all up one side of you and down the other if you use an AR-15 in self defense. They will call it a "machine gun" even though it isn't, you will be painted as a unstable lunatic for keeping such a weapon around. A suppressor should never be used in such a situation because it would ruin it for everyone... If you get my drift.:(

For recreational shooting, rifle suppressors are awesome. The CDI factor is real high on these:p. If you live in a state that allows hunting with a suppressor they are great for shooting groundhogs or rock chucks or whatever little rodent people like to kill in your neck of the woods.

From looking at your signature line you might be interested in this They sound much like a pellet pistol with the right ammo.:cool:
...Or you might just tell yourself that Willie Lowman is a nut job...:eek:
Rants aside, here are answers to your questions:
I'm wondering how supressors are effective. From what I understand, you need a subsonic round for it to work? How then would a silenced rifle like an m4 or ak be effective at all, when rifles need velocity? And how does a supressor affect rnage/accuracy? To me I have never wanted one and usually advise friends who are old enough for class 3 stuff not to get one, but could someone explain this to me,?am I giving good advice?

1. No, subsonic rounds are not required. Typical centerfire rifle suppressors reduce the report volume by 23-33 dB using full-power ammunition, often putting the report below 140 dB total.

2. Since subsonic rounds are not required, the question is moot.

3. Using full power ammunition, muzzle velocity is basically not affected (change is typically under the standard deviation of the load, and it's usually an increase). Accuracy is often increased.

4. Yes

5. No.
I wouldn't mind having a good quality suppressor for a 9mm pistol.

I remember that I once thought I would never own any NFA stuff because of "fear" that BATFE could walk iniside your house and jack you around for no reason. That was a long time ago. Since then, I acquired two NFA guns, one machinegun and the other is a DD. It's really no big deal. As much as you may think it is super rare or "bleeding edge" to own machineguns and suppressors, BATFE agents could care less about you. BATFE has no interest in visiting individuals who own registered weapons.

The only reason I don't own a suppressor is because I've heard that my CLEO won't sign-off on the form to get one (he'll sign off on everything except suppressors for some reason), and I don't want one bad enough to go the trust route (not hard to do, just too lazy).
I have a registered suppressor for a Cobray M-12 .380. if shot with out the suppressor or ear plugs your ears will ring considerably. with the suppressor it sounds like a little .22 with normal rounds. subsonics make it very quiet. Suppressors will not take away all the noise and on an M4 they help a lot if you buy a "good" suppressor. but it will still be loud. if i was shooting at an indoor range that allowed .223 i would want a suppressor just so i don't make everyone else deaf.
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