

I am new to this forum and have a question about suppressors. I have tried searching for it, but found alot of stuff out there and not precisely the info I am curious about.

I have read alot of articles in magazines lately about suppressors. I have also read more than a few articles about AR type rifles/carbines. I have seen mention numerous times about adjustable gas systems that have settings for suppressed and unsuppressed fire, allowing a person to set the system "so as to not cause damage to the weapon". I have a Surefire dealer in town that assures me there is no need to have an adjustable gas system, but I don't tend to trust only the word of the person who stands to make money on a sale.

I have an M&P 15 from Smith & Wesson. Has anyone seen damage done to this type of fire arm, using a suppressor from a reputable manufacturer? Of course, I am only reffering to stock weapons and cans- not damage caused by alterations made to the equipment that go against manufacturer recomendations.

If anyone has any insight, your thoughts would be very helpful...and I appologize for wasting anyones time if this is already posted and I just didn't take enough time to find it.
AR's do suffer added wear & tear on the gun as the result of a suppressor because of the added back pressure. An adjustable gas system would be a good idea if you were going to be using a can often, unfortunately the options in that arena are very limited when it comes to AR's.
I have had bolts break (cam pin area) when using cans, but it is not very common.
The broken bolts were Bushmaster and later found out that it was a run of parts with improper heat treat, Bushmaster replaced the broken units without question.
I would not worry about bolt breakage due to adding a suppressor. If you are really worried, make sure you bolt was magnetic particle inspected. I use a AAC M4-2000 on my AR -- it really makes it more enjoyable to shoot when the can removes almost all of the muzzle blast.

MGRacer, in looking at the gas block in your picture, there is something at the front of it, that looks like an adjustment this an adjustable gas block on your AR?
MGRacer, in looking at the gas block in your picture, there is something at the front of it, that looks like an adjustment this an adjustable gas block on your AR?

The upper is a gas piston and what you see is the removable gas plug. The piston has two settings (different port sizes small/normal -- with/without a suppressor) depending on which direction it is inserted into the cylinder.

Is that an '06 or earlier M4-2k? It looks just like my '08 M4-1k...

It is an 06 model. It has served me very well.
INteresting. Supressors are completely legal here, and i have them on all my long arms. I have never seen any sign of increased wear and tear on my Ar with it.
Well, after reading responses to my questions here and talking to a lot of fols at my local range, I have ordered a DPMS LRT SASS with surefire suppressor...I am looking forward to doing some longrange, quiet shooting- providing DPMS process my order before the results of the next election put me out my deposit!?!?!?!
The only thing you'll really notice is the chamber fouling faster. With the added backpressure it really gets dirty in a hurry. But it's really not too big of a deal.