Suppressors where i live


New member
To buy a suppressor where i live i walk into a gun\sporting goods store, produce ID and registration card showing i have a firearm in the respective caliber (just like buying ammo and some loading components), a cheap .22 suppressor will cost me about 125 USD, a suppressor for a large caliber hunting rifle will cost up to 1000-1200 USD price range + threading of barrel.

And where is this Nirvana of silence? A not as cold place as you might think, with no polar bears in the streets called Norway (from the US go EAST untill you hit either the British Isles or continental Europe, and then move North East or North respectively. You can't miss it, it's the bit of land that would have kept Sweden and Finland from looking like a big cock and testicles on the Euro Coin :D)

Suppressors, though by some considered the evil tool of poachers, and the true tell of one if they had such a scary tool mounted, the plan a few years ago to ban them failed. Suppressors are now used by hunters to preserve their hearing, to keep the game calm after firing and it is used on ranges to avoid being pestered by irate idiots who insist on building houses ever closer to ranges, and then complaining about the noise, causing said range to be shut down.

In general it is considered not only good practice in saving your own hearing, but generally beeing a good neighbour when those around you aren't pestered by loud bangs, if you are out and about in the woods, training or hunting.

No 200$ 'Tax Stamp', no background check, no waiting about (except for that bastard gunsmith to effing hurry up and get that barrel threaded NOW, Right This Bloody Instant™ ) get it, put it on and you are not a suspect person with a Class 3\ NFA item, but a good and considerate shooter who values his own hearing, and the hearing of those around you.

But then again, there's no Full Auto (AKA Rock N' Roll® ), no concealed carry (in a time with rising crime and a nasty wave of rapes in Oslo) and alot of other things that outweighs this rather fun bit of legislation that puts us apart from the (in the media) incredibly lax and destructive firearms legislation of the US of A :D
<....>You can't miss it, it's the bit of land that would have kept Sweden and Finland from looking like a big cock and testicles on the Euro Coin

sonuvagun...i had to go to Google Earth to look at the layout. you're right !

that picture is hilarious.... i am very pro gun but to imagine that suppressors will be used for jewish men with yamika's to teach their very innocent looking daughters how to shoot is complete bullsh*t.

legalize supressors for the children? suppressors are not needed to teach proper shooting technique, and certainly their primary use will not be to teach children how to shoot... thats what bb guns are for. why do pro gun people always have a hidden agenda and make connections relating to "our children" and sentimental things to get thier way.

just say: my redneck friends and i dont want to pay 200 dollars extra so we can shoot squirrels and cans outback! im tired of this stuff
just say: my redneck friends and i dont want to pay 200 dollars extra so we can shoot squirrels and cans outback! im tired of this stuff

Let me first say that I take personal offense to that comment. Next, does this mean that you are referencing yourself?

that picture is hilarious.... i am very pro gun but to imagine that suppressors will be used for jewish men with yamika's to teach their very innocent looking daughters how to shoot is complete bullsh*t.

Making an arguement for a certain view of a topic by appealing to a larger mass with toned-down images is just marketing. It's just like showing a group of twentysomethings in turtlenecks at an Aspen ski resort enjoying a Sam Adams. Would seeing that make you think about Bubba sitting in a lawn chair outside a trailer drinking a Keystone? Just marketing, my friend, just marketing...

...and FWIW, I dont fancy myself a redneck, and I don't shoot squirrels or cans 'outback' (although I do own an Outback);)
I'm definitely not a redneck; and the only things I fire at are paper targets, as I have yet not needed to fire in a defensive situation.

How is it a hidden agenda, to let each person choose what methods they wish to employ for training, if it does no-one else any harm?

There are lots of thing's in life that I feel are unneeded; but I don't presume to know what is right for others, and I feel we should all be free enough to make our own choices.
<....>You can't miss it, it's the bit of land that would have kept Sweden and Finland from looking like a big cock and testicles on the Euro Coin

sonuvagun...i had to go to Google Earth to look at the layout. you're right !

I nicked that one, some politician is supposed to have said "I think Norway should join the EU, not for any social or economical reasons but to keep sweden and finland from looking like a big cock and balls on the Euro Coin"

:D somehow it stuck in my head, and it's great for "road" descriptions.

On the subject of suppressors, i have a Colt Combat Commander. If i was to put a full- length barrel in it, would that be enough space ahead of the frame to thread and would it function properly with a suppressor?