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If I put a fake suppressor over this vented barrel, would it act as a real suppressor?
Would it muffle the muzzle blast at all?
I would most likely make absolutely no difference in the sound level. If it did by some chance decrease the sound level, you have just made an unregistered sound suppressor and are subject to arrest, 10 years in federal prison and a $10,000 fine.
First off, I don't think it would work, at least not well enough to justify spending $200 on the tax, and whatever else you'd need to spend for the outer shell. You might get a very minor reduction in the sound signature - maybe a couple decibels, but not enough to justify the cost. Any reduction in sound signature, however, will make it a suppressor in the eyes of BATFE so even though it might not sound like its doing much, it would still need to be registered. If you're going to get a suppressor and you don't have the ability to make a proper suppressor yourself, you should buy the best you can afford from a reputable manufacturer since you'll probably be stuck with it. Even high end suppressors are hard to sell once on a form 4 due to the cost of the tax in comparison to the cost of a new can.

Second, you need to get an approved form 1 before you start making any NFA item. You don't get the "permit" after you make it, you do the paperwork first.
Thanks for the input.
I have seen a device that directs the muzzle blast downrange.
Would that be classified as a suppressor by the BATFE?
Probably not, but if it reduces the sound signature by even a single decibel, it would be regulated as a suppressor.
What is the law regarding faux silencers??? Are they considered just as real even though they don't do squat?

And what (besides miracles) would it take to get a legally, registered, etc. silencer in CA?