Suppressor technology / history question


New member
just out of curiosity: Did wire mesh-type suppressors like in the High Standard HDM or the suppressed version of the M3 grease gun fall out of favor because they are less effective in terms of sound reduction as compared to modern baffle designs or simply because they are less durable and serviceable?
I would wager a guess that the wire mesh style went away due to it's limited lifespan/effectiveness. I've read and heard from folks who've said the old ones were only good for X-number of rounds before they fouled up. Could it be that someone took a peek at a car's muffler and said "HEY......!?!?" That's the cool part of human nature- we're always looking to build a better mouse trap.
If I remember correctly, Glock made some disposable suppressors (never US available) that used a mesh system. They were in the $130 (USD) range and were intended for LE use on the G17 and G34. Made of polymer, good for about 20 rounds or so.