Suppressor / Silencer reason


New member
What reason did anyone sucessfuly put for section 15 on the Form 4 for a suppressor?

Im thinking just so I can shoot it and be able to talk. And be able to shoot during otherwise inappropriate times (while the neighborhood is eating, etc)

And do they cash the check if you are denied for some reason?

Lastly, how long does it take to get approved for a suppressor. Shorter than for a MG?

And is this correct?

Manufacturer--->Class III dealer=Form4, $200 & 3~4months
Class III dealer--->Me=Form4, $200, & 3~4 months?

So total to get to me is $400 and 6~8 months? There has got to be a better way than that.
I have put "shooting purposes", "collecting purposes", and "sporting purposes" on various applications. All were approved.

"And do they cash the check if you are denied for some reason?"
Yes, the first thing they do is cash the check, before they even look at the paperwork. When that check is cashed, it has nothing to do with how soon you are going to hear back or if it will be approved.

"Lastly, how long does it take to get approved for a suppressor. Shorter than for a MG?"
A suppressor and an MG are both applied for on a form 4. They both go through the exact same process. Long story short, they take the same approx. length of time. The last two tax stamps I got back took about 5-6 weeks. There is no specific time frame. Most of the time is taken by the FBI which is who runs your fingerprints. Different examiners process the paperwork in different lengths of time. Your examiner is determined by the first letter of your last name. I have applied for tax stamps on machine guns, suppressors, SBS,and SBRs. I have bought them through at least three different dealers and lived in two different places. All my paperwork was processed by the same person and approved by the same supervisor. FWIW, the turn around time has decreased dramatically since they moved the NFA examiners to West (by God) Virginia.

I don't know what the second post means.
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I always use "collecting" on my Form 4s.

I don't know what the second post means.

He is talking about transfer time from original manufacturer/owner to local NFA dealer and then to himself.
"All legal purposes" works well.

Transfer wait will vary on whom is doing your paperwork. You window could be anywhere from 60 days from Mfg to Dlr to you, and up.
Thanks 444

In the second post, I meant to ask if there had to be two hundred dollars and a wait for the silencer to go form an online site where i buy it to a local dealer and then ANOTHER 200 and a few months wait to go from the local dealer to me.

Or can I just pick it right up at the local shop. Or can they just get it shipped no problem from the website, and then the wait is between me and the local shop.
The manufacturer to dealer or dealer to dealer transfer is not something that you pay for.
If you buy something from an out of state dealer, that dealer will need to transfer the item to your local dealer. This takes some time, but not nearly as long as when transfering it to an individual. When your local dealer gets it, then you start your paperwork.
You could save a few weeks time if you can find a local dealer that actually has what you want in stock.
One of the big things about buying this stuff is finding ANYONE that actually has one. This is a guess, but I don't think that most of these suppressor companies are real big manufacturering concerns. I think that they make a production run of suppressor X, then a run of suppressor Y etc. If you decide to buy an item that they arn't going to produce for awhile, good luck finding one. I have waited longer for the suppressor to be made several times than the wait on the tax stamp from ATF.
Check the boards like equipment exchange, NFA section. Dealers advertise suppressors and other NFA items that they have in stock. If you find someone that has what you want, you are in business.
Let me caution you on one thing. Don't get in a hurry. Don't get all caught up in the time involved. Don't buy something you don't really want just because you can get it right now. The NFA weapon game is a waiting game. Take your time. Shop around. Don't pay retail for nothin. If you are going to have to wait two months to get the stamp, why not wait three or four to get exactly what you really want. There isn't a big used suppressor market. Pretty much count on having whatever you buy for the rest of your life.
I put "all lawful purposes" and it went through fine.

FWIW, out of state dealer to my dealer on the tax free form took about 3 weeks on my first can and then about 3 months to clear from my dealer to me once I sent in the paperwork and check.

My next can sat in limbo on the tax free transfer for about 2 months before I could go do the paperwork on my end.
sporting purposes

444, I find it a little ironic and funny that you get approved with that language as your reason, when if someone were trying to import them, they surely wouldn't meet the BATFE's sporting purposes test. Correct?

I'm gonna put "Assassina...I mean Poach... I mean Range Use.. Yeah, that's the ticket." :)