Suppressor question


New member
I have never owned or used a suppressor, but an acquaintance of mine asked me if it is normal for a 6.5 creedmoor to shoot to a greatly lower point of impact when suppressed than when unsuppressed.
Since I have no idea I am asking the braintrust here.
Not really normal, but it happens. The thinner (or longer) the barrel and or the heavier the suppressor, the more shift in POI you will get.
I would say some POI shift is normal and typically (not always) down and often to the side. Just changing the barrel harmonics by adding a muzzle device can cause a POI shift, so adding a suppressor is apt to cause changes as noted.

"Greatly lower" is how much? 1 moa? 2? 6?

I would not consider a 1 or 2 moa shift to be unexpected.
Pencil thin barrels will change, that's just weight on the muzzle. Bull barrels even. You are adding a variable pipe on the end of the barrel. For an example: if the can is not perfectly aligned with the bore, you could have a baffle strike, throwing the pill off flight.

Like DNS said, if its drastic, this could be the reason, or the weight at the end of your tube. Harmonics, as mentioned, change, too. If barrel is vibrating at a different frequency than it does unsuppressed, then when the pill is leaving the muzzle, the last and final point of contact with the rifling is at that different frequency, therefore altering where that flight path will terminate compared to unsuppressed.

Happens in pistols, too, friend. I suppressed my 1911 and its not as accurate and POI is different. Its a bit lower, and group opened up. Unsuppressed?? Tight group at 15 yards and POI is POA.
On the extreme side, I have a Barrett .50 cal with QDL suppressor.
Without the suppressor mounted, set up the rifle to be on target with a 1 mile aim point over level terrain.
Add the 15” / 5 lb QDL suppressor on the end of the 29” barrel, and the ballistics change: With the same 1 mile aim point, the bullet will impact about 25’/ 3 mils low at the intended range, r
or hitting ~200 yards short of the aim point on level ground.