Suppressor Question


New member
I was looking at AWCs website on the "Civilian Ownership" page and it states that suppressors can be purchased through a dealer or directly from AWC. I was under the impression they always had to be bought through a dealer in the state in which you reside. Can they be bought directly from the manufacturer or am I misunderstanding something? I don't forsee any problems at the local or Federal level but haven't found any area class 3 dealers. If the buy direct thing is true then that problem is solved.
You must buy it from a person in your state or a dealer in your state. Either way the ATF form 4 is used. If the silencer is in another state, then it is sent from dealer to dealer on an ATF form 3 tax free, then transfered to you on an ATF form 4 with the $200 tax. If you are buying from an unlicensed owner in your state, then you do not have to use a dealer, just fill out the ATF form 4 and send it directly yourself.

The manufacturer can direct you to a dealer in your state.

If you live in the same state as AWC you can buy direct from them, otherwise you can buy from any individual in your state of residence or a dealer in your state of residence, any out of state purchase from individual or dealer will have to transfer in to a dealer in your state of residence just like a handgun would.

That being said, look too other silencer websites, AWC is pretty old technology.

Give us a hint as to where you live and perhaps we can give you a dealer recommendation.
Actually, you can by direct from them irregardless of your state of residence (provided your state allows silencer ownership). It must be transfered to you by a dealer in your state. A small, but salient, point.
DH has it right. Purchase of and transfer of NFA items are 2 different things.:p

For example, If I buy a can from the manufacturer, I send the money to them, but they send the can to my local NFA dealer who then transfers it to me. The only money that the dealer gets from me is the transfer fee (administrative cost for doing the transfer, varies by dealer). The purchase price of the can (+shipping, etc.) goes to the manufacturer and the $200 tax goes to the .gov.

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Buy from anyone, have it shipped to an FFL dealer in your sate and jump through
all of the legal hoops necessary for you to have it transferred into your name.

I purchased mine from the manufacturer in AZ, he shipped it to my FFL in GA and
I did everything that was required by law to have it transferred into my name.
Your better off to try and find a used one in your state and do a form 4 to form 4 person to person deal so you dont have to pay a dealer $50 for simple paper work..
Actually the fee that most SOT dealers charge is only partially for the paperwork.
Some of that is in effect "bonded storage" of your title II item.
I don't know how comfortable you are giving someone you don't know several hundred dollars for an indeterminate length of time for an item that is tightly regulated.
With a quality dealer, the item sits quietly in their safe until the form comes back and you can take possession of your suppressor. No "one last time" or "Come shoot this Bubba before I sell it." to worry about. (which is why I stress a quality dealer)

No "one last time" or "Come shoot this Bubba before I sell it." to worry about. (which is why I stress a quality dealer)

I used to wonder about that before I owned silencers. BUT... it's painfully obvious that a silencer has been used on a weapon. You can not get the baffles brand new clean if you wanted to make a can appear new.

I still completely AGREE with using a GOOD, STOCKING DEALER. Only buy a can that you can put your hands on.

There's a lot of stories of slimey dealers who want to take your money and wait til they have enough sales to place a bulk discount order with the manufacturor. Paying full retail at a REAL DEALER is money well spent in the long run.
i was referring to buying a used suppressor,
Your better off to try and find a used one in your state and do a form 4 to form 4 person to person deal...

Unless you really know what you are looking at buying used could cost you a whole lot more than buying new.
