Suppressor in TX


New member
Anyone been through the process of buying a suppressor here in TX? Specifically in Travis County? Wondering how willing the local LE officials have been to sign off on citizens purchasing them. Any pointers or tips appreciated...
I am not from Texas but I have heard from some people who are that if you are anywhere near the Dallas-Fort Worth area, you have to go the trust route.

You can always do what I did when I got into NFA, just go ask 'em. Be polite, be prepared to explain, and if all else fails, look up a good trust layer.
I live in NFA friendly Brazoria County and still am glad I went the "LLC-route".
The added expense was worth it, considering the fingerprint and CLEO sign-off avoidance.
My time has value, I'd rather not spend it wandering about.
the gun store

you can talk to the guys at-the gun store-in ceder park tx 512-335-5534 they are a class 3 firearms dealer i am sure they would be able to awnser your questions.
...I have heard from some people who are that if you are anywhere near the Dallas-Fort Worth area, you have to go the trust route.
That's true of Dallas county, but the DFW area is pretty large and encompasses parts of at least 10 counties. I haven't done a survey, or anything like that, but I know that at least a couple of those counties have Sheriffs who will sign.
Another happy DFW resident that went the trust route... JohnKSa is definitely correct that depending on your exact location, political climates shift drastically and one may or may not be able to get a CLEO sign-off, but why mess with it altogether? The trust method allows you to avoid that hassle, as well as fingerprinting and photos...
Talk to GT distributors off brockton and Burnet
Take Burnet north from 183 then one block after breaker hang a right on brockton and its on your right hand side about 100 yards in.
They sell specificity to LEO and Commissioned security only so I am sure they can point you in the right direction
The NFA trust is the way to go in Travis county.

The trust is the simplest, most trouble free methodfor owning NFA gear in Texas. It is private, doesn't have to be registered anywhere in the state and has no monthly reporting requirements.

Two names for trusts: Sean Cody in Houston and David Goldman and his guntrust lawyer network are doing NFA trusts.
I know this is from last month, but if you still need the info . . .

The Travis County Sheriff's Office will happily sign off on all NFA paperwork. I actually went in the first time, but the past 4 times I've just mailed in the forms and they sign them and mail them back. It takes about a week door to door.

PM if you need specific names of who to contact.

If you need a local dealer Steve Ou is in Austin and Chuck Tooke is in Round Rock. I've used both in the past and been pleased with both.
I'm not from Tx, but I hope to move there VERY soon. Any tips, advice, or other helpful info anyone has, please PM me.

Anyway, my question is this: If you go the route of LE sign-off, and are unsuccessful, can you still do the trust route? Sorta like asking mommy, and then daddy? Also, do you typically get your threaded barrel and suppressor from the suppressor mfr?
Asking for CLEO signoff and not getting it is usually the first step in getting a trust.:D

I live in Liberty county (east of Houston) the prior sherriff refused to sign NFA paperwork so I contacted Sean Cody ( or Now I don't worry about it, I just send in the trust documents with the form 1 or 4 and wait.
If you go the trust route, either use an attorney to draft it for you as trusts are routinely being reviewed by ATF legal now or, if you choose to use willmaker or legal zoom to form your trust, at least have it reviewed by an attorney. It is a small price to pay.

There are multiple manufacturers of threaded barrels. Or any COMPETENT machinist can thread a barrel. The important thing is that the threads are concentric to the bore, not the outside of the barrel. Some suppressor manufacturers will thread barrels (YHM in particular) and repair/replace one of their suppressors damaged by a baffle strike on that barrel at no/minimal charge.

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I understand the Travis county sheriff will not sign off on supressors ( I live here too). He will, however sign off on SBR's. Tom at Heritage Firearms is a good one to ask.

Ahhh Big Daddy don't you just love when they feel they can pick and choose what a citizen can have lol In some ways thats worse than just a flat NO.
The one time I was in that situation with a chief of police(Haltom City) It felt really good to inform him he hadnt stopped a thing, and now i will have a house full just cause ya said i couldnt.(I was a 01 FFL at the time and simply
sent in the extra paperwork/money to become a machinegun dealer(SOT taxpayer)
If you go the trust route, either use an attorney to draft it for you as trusts are routinely being reviewed by ATF legal now or, if you choose to use willmaker or legal zoom to form your trust, at least have it reviewed by an attorney.

I used willmaker, as they review and kick back what they won't accept why pay $600 for what the NFA branch will do for free?
Maybe because I don"t want to wait the additional 9 - 16 weeks after submitting my forms a second time after it has been denied?:confused:
If someone is charging you $600.00 for a trust, you need to shop around!

Ya know...Willmaker is perfectly acceptable to ATF, as long as you fill it out right, and keep it simple. Mine is for my NFA stuff only...there isnt houses,barns and 20 cousins named( cause me wants ma whole neiborhood to be on my trust lol so' they can deerhunt wif my mo-chine-guns)

As long as you can read directions, and keep it simple..there is nothing wrong with it. OOOOOH but a lawyer gives 50 years of free updates with the 600.00
fee! Update what?? Once written it don't have to be rewritten again every other year unless a succsessor or beneficiarary dies before you do..easy to fix if it happens.