Suppressor for camping guns


New member
I recently went camping on the Cranberry and want to return as soon as I get the chance. My plan is to camp past the gates where no motorized vehicles are allowed to go. I could be a few miles in the woods. Theres always the possibility of animals giving me problems or even people. My first thought was my 597, but I don't feel comfortable trusting my life with it. Then I wondered what's my toughest gun, then it dawned on me. My Draco. But I quickly remembered it's deafening. It's the loudest gun I've ever shot. It's crazy loud. So I'm considering a supressor. Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions? I have a 75 round drum, so after camp would be set up, I'd use it instead of a 30 round mag. In all honesty, I'd probably just camp 1-2 miles out. But I do plan to ride a bike to the end, which is 16 miles to the last shelter. I have many guns, but I think this is the best option.
75 is better than 30, might as well have it. Hope I never need it. And it's for mostly bears and 2 legged predators. Pretty sure 75 is overkill, but why not? Already have it.
"Man arrested with an AK assault pistol, 75rd magazine, and a Silencer in local camp ground" Film at 1100.

Not trying to be a smart, but I don't see this working out well for you if you do need it. Also, if you do shoot a bear with that set up it will also raise questions with the authorities. "Wild man kills bear with Ak assault pistol, 75rd drum mag and a silencer", film at 1100.

Just won't brief well, even if legal. Plus, that is some HEAVY stuff if you have to lug it far.

Is it legal to have a suppressor in those areas? May make you look like a poacher even if legal. Things to think about. I try to keep my legal interactions to a minimum.
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However, the area is totally within the Black Bear Sanctuary, which is closed to all bearhunting by regulations of the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources.

I am pretty sure you might as well wear a flashing hat and tshirt that says poacher.
I woud not suggest that set up. I would just go with a nice 12 gauge shotgun. If a ranger were to come across you with that set up you might be taking a trip to the ranger station. But if its just a shotgun it will go something like tis. " Shotgun is for bears?" "Yep" "Okay have fun stay safe."
I agree with the previous sentiments.

A 75 rd drum is awfully heavy. You may not think it is but once you've lugged it on yourself for a mile or two you'll be thinking about throwing it away. The other thing is going into the woods with an AK type rifle is already going to spook people if they happen to come by you. Adding the 75rd drum and people are going to be calling the ranger. Add a suppressor to that setup and you've just crossed into potential poacher territory. That is not a mess I'd want to be knee deep in.

Personally I'd just load up a large bore revolver like a .357mag, .41mag or .44mag with whatever load you think you'll need, throw a handful of rounds in a pocket (or better yet have'em in quick loaders) and go camping/hiking/biking etc. If I have to use the gun because a bear is bearing down on me or because a 2-legged predator is attacking me I'm not going to be concerned at all with the loudness of the gun - in fact I WANT the loud report. If there's LEO within earshot I want them to come running... I might need the backup.

So yeah - AK with 75rd drum and a suppressor... not what I'd call an ideal load out for just camping/hiking/biking. I mean seriously are you planning on going to war?
Never considered a shotgun, but I don't have one that'd be a good choice. Except for .410s, my smallest shotgun is an over and under. It's a nice gun and with a wood stock. I don't really want to take something that nice because I don't want to chance ruining it. Although I think it could handle it. I was considering a New England 45-70. Reliable and simple sound nice. And overkill isn't a bad thing, it's also light weight. But the AK seemed like a good idea though, light, reliability, and semi automatic.
Make sure your shirt tears nicely so when to tie a strip around your forehead it doesn't look funny....I doubt a gang of maruders requiring a 75 round mag will follow you that far into the back country to bushwack you.

Really, how about a Savage 24 with a .22 on top for little stuff and a 20ga on bottomed for fast moving little stuff all the way to really big stuff with slugs.

There are much better guns for camping than an AK pistol and much better guns for suppressing than an AK pistol.
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Don't get me wrong a NFA firearm can be well suited to camping like the suppressed and SBR 10/22 below as they are always in a condition ready to be fired. But are simply not as usefully as a combination gun like the one at the bottom of the photo.
