Suppressed hog hunting.....


New member
I have thought about hog hunting with a suppressed rifle....I watched some Youtube videos and those guns still sounded loud..and the hogs thought so too....What gives?
Some rifles make more noise when suppressed than other styles... Semi's often have some noise escape the breech end as it cycles (I may not be 100% accurate but seemed true to my ears years ago when several suppressed rifles were used on the same firing line) but the biggie is ammo...

Super sonic ammo (most factory loads are) has a sonic boom. But it has been proven most of the time that the imposed fear is lesser and shorter lived if they spook to suppressed gun fire compared to naked muzzles...

hogdogs..I saw 308 AR's and a 44mag lever action....They made a loud racket and the pigs high-tailed it....I really saw no difference in their reaction....
I think the differece is not really needing hearing protection. The sonic boom alone is no where near as loud as the combustion noise itself.

If you want it to be really quiet subsonic loads are necessary and its still no wisper
What hogdogs said. In my experience they will run from the sound of the impact of the bullet on another hog even with a supresser and sub sonics. makes a big WACKk!
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I'm my experience they will run from the sound of the impact of the bullet on another hog even with a supresser and sub sonics. makes a big WACKk!

True...I have seen hogs run after one is shot with an arrow from a compound bow...makes a whack!
im gonna second that suppressed isn't going to make a difference.
ive shot a few hogs a night with an bow. when a hog starts kicking, squealing, or running all the others join the club.

suppressed is nice on our ears but ive stepped on many a twig while night hunting sending those hogs running.

trust me if something makes them weary they're gone.

even if you shoot a hog in the head or neck (where i generally like to shoot mine) they will do a dirt dance which will send the hogs running.
I shoot hogs in order to save my pastures, my fences, and my goats. All of those equal $$$$. So I shoot hogs to save $$$$ Why buy a high dollar suppressor for a 30-06 when they don't provide you enough silence to shoot multiple hogs before they all scatter? Suppressors are high dollar, then the permit is high dollar, then they wear out fast. No brainer /waist of money.
twobit..The suppressors are more reasoneable than I thought..and being permitted is easier too....But if they really don't help much on a hog gun..why go there???
Silent on track (suppressed) and they all come with "night vision" we can only equal with electronic optics...:p And it is a massive RUSH!!!!:D

The only Thwack you will hear is the head of my bulldog crashing into the hog at 20+MPH as she grabs a mouthful of pig and anchors his mad self for me to grab the stinky end...;)

Then we all high five around the now, literally, hogtied pig and proclaim...



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I have seen my brother shoot a mule deer with a suppressed 44 magnum rifle. The other deer spooked (slightly) when the deer that was shot kicked a few times but they did not run away. If he had wanted too he probably could of killed several deer before they took off. The deer just looked at the one that was shot like they did not know what was going on. Once it stopped kicking they went back to grazing. We wanted to see how they would react so we waited about 5 min after the shot just to see what the others would do. It was our first (and so far only) experience hunting with a suppressor.

this hunt was what made me decide to suppress one of my 45/70s. :eek:

Apparently hogs are smarter than deer. That makes me want to go hog hunting again. :D
Apparently hogs are smarter than deer. That makes me want to go hog hunting again.

Yep..smarter......They got the best of me the last couple mornings.....:mad:
My buddy uses a surpressed 308,I cant see very much difference in it compaired to my 25-06 at all.Hogs still scatter pretty quick.
I have seen my brother shoot a mule deer with a suppressed 44 magnum rifle. The other deer spooked (slightly) when the deer that was shot kicked a few times but they did not run away.


Apparently hogs are smarter than deer.

You can go onto YouTube and see something very similar with hogs with both suppressed and unsuppressed rifles. Most are that the hogs scatter, but then come right back. So maybe they aren't so smart.
Hogs are self aware, they have an awareness of death. Many animals don't, even dogs seem to not be bothered about the death of a companion. Many hogs can relate the mortal wounding of its traveling companion to It's own possible mortality. I have seen them looking at their dying 'coworker' and the moment they realize what's going on, they freak the heck out. I call it pig math, " 2-1= ME" LOL.

Mostly, the mayhem ensues as soon as the shot rings out. A few do as I mentioned above.