Let’s start supporting the businesses that are supporters of our second amendment rights. Business owners should also reciprocate by giving discounts to members of our community. I have an electronics repair and computer shop in Winter Haven, Florida and am making it a policy to give a 10% discount to members of any pro-gun organization including the NRA, GOA, JPFO, IDPA , IPSC, etc. I am not trying to make this an advertisement but more of an economic statement, we all try to avoid the businesses that are anti-gun but do we seek out the ones that are pro? Do we the business owners reward the pro-gun customers that support us? Maybe a separate discussion area that would allow us to post our offers or where a member could post their needs? If I can be of any help or to find out what we do feel free to contact me at 863-325-8881 M-F 9am to 6pm Eastern.