Support hand in two-hand handgun grip

Pep in CA

New member
I saw a YouTube video where the instructor said, in a two-hand handgun grip, the support hand should apply 60% of the pressure. I had always used more pressure in my strong hand, naturally I presume because I also practice one-handed.

I tried this and I like it. I especially like using my support hand to raise the gun from a lowered postion to a shooting position. Then it seems all I have to do with my strong hand is use my trigger finger. Of course, the proof is in the pudding.

Anyone else do this? How does it work for you?
Don't over think the whole thing. Use whatever technique works for you. The idea is to steady the pistol and control the recoil.
And remember that anybody can post a YouTube video. It's not the best place to get training.
That's basically the technique I use, but I've been told that the support hand should provide 70% of the grip. I know no way to calibrate that, so it's likely a guide rather than a measurement.
I use 100 percent pressure in both hands...because some pistol instructors say that's what a pistol shooter will resort too, when he's faced with --- must use a pistol in a dire situation. My firmest pressure is my firing hand middle finger on the pistol grip, which seems to contribute to better accuracy.
I actually don't like to get too technical when it comes to shooting. Saying "slightly more pressure with the support hand" would suit me fine. Or moreover, "lift and point with your left hand, fire with your right".

I have only done dry fire practice with this techique so far, but it sure feels good.
Would I want to get into a handgun battle with Jerry Miculek? Uh, no. If for some reason I ever did, please notify my next of kin.

Thank goodness he is a good guy with a gun.
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The firmer you grip the handgun with your shooting hand, the more the sight alignment will be disturbed by moving the trigger finger.

Take the gun in your shooting hand. Grip it as hard as you can. You'll notice the gun starts to shake. As you release the grip the shaken slows down and eventually stops. At that point, the trigger can be pressed with the less likelihood of disturbing the sights.

Now take the gun, with a moderate grip with the shooting hand, grip it hard with the support hand. You'll notice the trigger finger has freedom of movement without disturbing the sights.
^^^^^^^^^^^ this this this

It took me a long time to make this s habit. Once I did my shooting improved greatly.
I use this technique and it works very well for me. A mistake I made when I was a newer shooter was applying too much pressure with my shooting hand. This caused my trigger pull to become jerky and inconsistent, though at the time I didn't know what was causing it. Now I apply most of the pressure with my support hand, and try to keep my shooting hand as relaxed as possible. This greatly increased my trigger pull consistency, and at the same time still manage recoil.