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I would like to ask y'all to visit this link and join the site so you can post in support of my good friend Mtn Jack:

Here's one of the stories of what has happened. I've copied this and pasted it from the link above:

Originally Posted by Pa. Patriot
OCDO press release:

Formatted Version:

Text version:
For Immediate Release – August 31, 2008

PA Police Follow “Smoketown 6” (*1) Playbook in Beaver County!

Did Obama’s Secret Service Detail Order
PA Police to Suspend Right to Bear Arms in Entire Town?

Here we go again. When a Presidential candidate comes to town in Pennsylvania, Americans had better “watch what they say, watch what they do.” (*2)

Last Friday Beaver County resident John (“Jack”) Noble was just doing his normal thing – passing out some fliers about Pennsylvania gun rights in a park while openly carrying his holstered “small-caliber handgun.” (*3) And then the police began breaking laws.

Let’s be clear on the facts:

• Mr. Noble was not at the Obama event – he was merely in McIntosh Park “near the Obama event,” (*4) which was scheduled to be held later that evening at Irvine Park across Market Street. (*5)

• Mr. Noble did not breach “a secured perimeter of a presidential candidate political rally” as falsely alleged by PA State Police Trooper Shawn Schexnaildre, (*6) nor did Noble ignore any signs or warnings.

• Barrack Obama’s Secret Service detail appears to be implicated in the unlawful police action to clear the streets of any gun carriers (*7) throughout the town of Beaver, PA, just like they were implicated a few years ago in ordering the arrest of the “Smoketown 6” where President Bush drove through Pennsylvania.

“‘I am a threat to no one. Mr. Obama doesn't trump my constitutional rights. The president of the United States doesn't trump my constitutional rights,’ said John Noble, who was handcuffed, questioned for about two hours and then told by state police that he would receive two citations for disorderly conduct.” (*8)

But here’s the rub - Jack carries openly through that town routinely, and Obama being there does not change state law.

Unlike the “Smoketown 6” protesters, Jack Noble was not wearing a thong or “protesting.” Jack was just passing out fliers and openly carrying his holstered handgun – activities “clearly protected” by the Pennsylvania and federal constitutions. (*9) The idea of the police needing to verify Jack’s “permit to carry” (*10) (reported by one news outlet) is a canard – in Pennsylvania, like most states, no permit is required to openly carry a holstered handgun at age 18.

Further, as can be verified by one of several concealed carriers observing the police misconduct, Jack was in McIntosh Park, and not Irvine Park where
Obama’s private event was scheduled to be held later in the evening. (*11) And Jack was not attempting to gain entry into, or get in the path of, Obama’s private event.

When “deputies asked why he had a gun, Noble replied, ‘Because I’m an American,’ and one of the deputies responded, ‘Well, you’re under arrest.’ Noble was hustled to a nearby [United States Secret Service] vehicle, and state police took him to the Brighton Township barracks to [interrogate] him.” (*12)

Adding insult to injury, Pennsylvania State Police officers refused to identify themselves to Noble, never issued a summons, but still confiscated his handgun without issuing a receipt as required by the Pennsylvania Uniform Firearms Act which provides that
The owner of any seized or confiscated firearms shall be provided with a signed and dated written receipt by the appropriate law enforcement agency. This receipt shall include, but not limited to, a detailed identifying description indicating the serial number and condition of the firearm. (*13)
Nobody’s questioning the right of Presidential candidates to hold private events. But the Pennsylvania police must not become constitution-violating-goons for Presidential candidates or their Secret Service details. calls on Governor Rendell to order a halt to unlawful police-state tactics at Presidential campaign events so as to preclude any more “Smoketown 6” or “Beaver County Jack” incidents.

Media Contacts: Founder:
Rich Banks/ co-founders:
Mike Stollenwerk/
John Pierce/

__________________________________________________ _____

1. See generally Shannon P. Duffy, Thong-Clad Protesters Stripped of Civil Rights Suit, Legal Intelligencer, May 23, 2008 (reporting that despite fact that disorderly conduct charges were dismissed, police Defendants in civil suit were “entitled to ‘qualified immunity’” because the wearing of thongs as expressive conduct (protesting Abu Graib Prison abuses in Iraq) was not “clearly established”), available at

2. See Ari Fleisher, at (quoting Presidential spokesman as telling press “Americans . . . need to watch what they say, watch what they do. This is not a time for remarks like that; there never is.”).

3. Bill Vidonic, Man arrested for having gun at rally, Beaver County Times, August 29, 2008, available at See also Man Brought Gun, Bible To Obama Event In Beaver, The Pittsburgh, August 30, 2008, at

4. Brian C. Rittmeyer, Beaver County man defends carrying gun near Obama rally, Tribune-Review, August 31, 2008, available at

5. See map at provided by

6. Brian C. Rittmeyer, Beaver County man defends carrying gun near Obama rally, Tribune-Review, August 31, 2008 (emphasis added), available at

7. Milan Simonich, Industry man contests arrest outside Obama rally, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, August 30, 2008, available at

8. See, e.g., McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Com'n, 514 U.S. 334 (1995) (handing out fliers in public protected by First Amendment); District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S.Ct. 2783, 2793 (2008) (“At the time of the founding, as now, to ‘bear’ meant to, ‘carry.’”); Id. at 2809 ("In Nunn v. State, 1 Ga. 243, 251 (1846), the Georgia Supreme Court construed the Second Amendment as protecting the “natural right of self-defence” and therefore struck down a ban on carrying pistols openly. Its opinion perfectly captured the way in which the operative clause of the Second Amendment furthers the purpose announced in the prefatory clause, in continuity with the English right.") (emphasis added).

9. Frankly, Jack is well known by the Beaver County police community as a frequent open carrier and holder of a background check vetted Pennsylvania License to Carry Firearms (needed to conceal carry) issued by the Beaver County Sherriff.

10. See map at created by

11. Bill Vidonic, Man arrested for having gun at rally, Beaver County Times, August 29, 2008, available at See also Bill Vidonic, Man says he had right to carry gun to rally, Beaver County times, August 30, 2008, available at

12. 18 Pa.C.S. § 6105(f)(4) (emphasis added).

I'm thankful to y'all that go there and support Mtn Jack any way possible and know that he would do the same for you!
Sounds to me, based on the info given, that some PA cops, and some Secret Service agents may be (and rightfully should be) in for some federal and state lawsuits. Sadly though, I suspect that little will come of it, if anything, no matter how hard Mr. Noble and his attorney(s) push it, and how solid thier evidence is.Could be wrong, but thats my guess. EVERYTHING seems to go right out the window when rich, powerful, and/or famous people are involved, especially if they are all 3, and in politics on top of the deal.

I hope I'm wrong though, and get pleasantly surprised, as assuming the facts as given are all true, I cant even BEGIN to figure out how he was being disorderly, or could conceiveably be considered a "threat" to Obama, since Mr. Noble was in a totally different park, and Obama was not even in the general area (the other park the rally was scheduled for LATER in the day/evening), and his rally was not even in progress at the time.Kinda hard to be a "threat" to someone that is no where near you at all, and last I knew, handing out flyers, on public property, was not only not "disorderly", it isnt remotely illegal, and is in fact protected under the FIRST (so it's not like its buried near the end and these people never read that far :p) Amendment.