Support 2nd by supporting Nader!

MP Freeman

New member
If a vote for the Libertarian is a non-vote for Bush, then encourage your Enviromental-Liberal friends to support Ralph Nader. Because friends don't let friends vote for Gore!! Only encourage those who would support Gore.

I've already sent money to Nader's campaign, with a note he should concentrate in CAL. If Gore looses CAL, then his chances are near impossible. Remember what happened to Dole in '96. Perot took a bunch of votes from Dole, and it can happen to Gore.

This post is to encourage those of us who donate to political campaigns, to consider to not only take the direct approach but also to out-flank the anti's. Because Ralph has no chance of winning, only stealing votes from Gore. And that only helps us. :D :D :D

Go Ralph Go!!! :D :D :D

I'm serious.
I don't know if its wise to give money to Ralph if your concern is the Bill of Rights, specifically the 2nd. I heard him on the radio the other day and he was agreeing with some mindless left group that we were going to have to tackle the gun problem in this county. He was vauge, but he wasn't talking about cracking down on violent criminals and getting them off the streets.
Your money might be better spent on other pro RKBA causes and politicans.
Ralph's running will be interesting though. Lots of left democrats are more than willing to bolt the Democratic Party for a whole laundry list of reasons. That's why many bolted for Bradley, though he turned out to be disapointing to them both as a man and as a real thinker (no one wanted to admit this when he was running, though). He was just a cynical politican who thought he might get somewhere by stirring up the obvious discontent.
I think that the more Gore looks to be a looser, the more they will defect to a "purer" left canidate just to make a statement closer to what they really believe, possibly creating a snow ball effect. Gore is right to worry about them. He probably hates them more than any Republican.
Of course, he will get a chance to address and make up to them at his convention, but it is good for Bush that at least a part of Gore's energy must be directed towards keeping his party from fragmenting on the left. That is not good for winning moderate hearts and minds, whom Bush is now free to court as he sees fit.
Herodotus - I think you missed MP's point. He is suggesting a "divide and conquer" tactic. Not a bad idea. If enough voters who would have voted for Gore vote for Nader instead, then they would both lose = victory. You know Nader has about as much chance of winning as Buchannon so every vote for him is a wasted Dem vote.
This is one of the best ideas I've read here. I live in California and I'll follow up on this. A lot of people I know would be vulnerable to pro-Nader suggestions.


The Green's are MUCH WORSE than the Dems... Any power they garner is a pox on capitolizm...

I am terrified that Nader will get more than 5% of the general eletorate... :o

I personlly do not advise anyone to vote Nader.


"[Even if there would be] few tears shed if and when the Second Amendment is held to guarantee nothing more than the state National Guard, this would simply show that the Founders were right when they feared that some future generation might wish to abandon liberties that they considered essential, and so sought to protect those liberties in a Bill of Rights. We may tolerate the abridgement of property rights and the elimination of a right to bear arms; but we should not pretend that these are not reductions of rights." -- Justice Scalia 1998
More scared that Pat Buchanan will score well. First, he is a threat to the RKBA and second, his views are antithetical to freedom.