Super X2 (or X3) > Extrema?

I don't think you can go wrong with either. Both great guns.

I'm not sure if the statement is true, but I wouldn't let it sway your decision. Get whichever you like more.
i dont think a fraction of a sec should matter on what one you buy. this is how my grandfather taught me how to choose a new long gun. close your eyes and quickly shoulder the gun. if you are sighted in and comfortable thats the one to get. if all else fails and both are equle buy the one that looks the best:D
If you haven't seen the demo video of the Xtrema 2 by now, take a look ( Very near the end, Tim Bradley unloads 12 rounds (magazine extention) in 1.73 seconds! Unless you're doing serious shooting exhibitions, I don't think you have to worry about cycle rate with either gun. The Xtreme 2 w/ KO will probably have less recoil, but the most important thing is personal fit and feel. Hold each of them in your hands, and choose the one that feels right and fits you best.
if all else fails and both are equle buy the one that looks the best

I'm looking for excuses to be proud to buy American. If the Winchester is a better gun, I want to be able to brag about it. It doesn't matter to me that the differences are trivial.
My SX-2 MOSG was made in Belgium by the Herstal Group/FN. FN owns Winchester and Browning. Great shotgun btw. I shot some 2-ounce 3-inch turkey loads a couple of weeks ago and couldn't believe how little recoil there was.

"...can make better guns..." ???

Anybody "can" make better guns. But did they make the Xtrema2 a better gun? After all, they can't even spell... :D

ok two things the semi auto winchester shotguns (and the new sxr) are made in japan... so if you wanna buy a good american winchester your gonna have to buy a model 12
next on the list why the hell did they change the AA's well im fortunate i bought a thousand once fires when a local shooting supply was sold. i looked at it this way .01$ a peice you cant go wrong. still angering me i 've lost about a third of them in the feild:mad:
"are made in japan"

The SX shotguns and the SXR are made in Belgium and assembled in Portugal. Note that they also list the SX3!!!!!! (Trying not to get my hopes up.)

From the Winchester site:

"Q. Are there other factories making Winchester products?
A. Yes. Our other factories will continue production uninterrupted. Products made at these factories include the Super X line of shotguns including the new Super X3 autoloader and the new Super X Rifle (SXR) centerfire autoloader. Both are made in Belgium and assembled in Portugal. In addition, we will continue with our line of quality Select over and unders: the only production Belgium-made over and unders in the world. Our special historic guns -- 1885s, 95s, as well as other limited series rifles -- continue to be made at our factory in Japan. These factories are unaffected by the New Haven closure and we continue forward with our production and future plans."
