Super Light Bullets?

roy reali

New member
Yesterday I had the History Channel on while I was doing some chores around the house. They had some show on about trick shooting and long range gun accuracy. I was only catching bits and pieces of it. One thing did catch my attention.

They had this CAS guy doing all these fancy trick shots. He was good. He also decribed what he was shooting. He was using a Winchester 1892 chambered in .45 Colt. Then he held up a round. He said that the bullet was a 130 grain cast bullet. It was shaped unlike any other bullet I have ever seen.

Here is my question. Does such a bullet for .45's exist?
You didn't believe him?
There probably is such a thing.

The least I can find in the time I am willing to put into the search is a 150 gr .45 with 165 gr ammo available. But the designer of the .45 Cowboy Special is running a survey to see if folks will buy 120 grain .45 bullets.
One of the CAS shooters has come out with it. I think it's a .45 Colt cut down to .45 ACP length. It's basically a gamer round for the poof tinkers.
Yes, HH that is exactly what it is. It is supposed to cure all the problems of shooting a .45 colt cartridge with mouse fart loads. The .45 Long Colt cartridge was designed to shoot with a full case of black powder, not the lightest loading of smokeless powder that has barely more power than a magnum rifle primer.
It's basically a gamer round for the poof tinkers.
I like that term.

I always seem to scare people when I fired off my Vaquero with my mid-range Ruger only loads. People always ask, "Why does it kick so much? "X" has a 45 Colt and it doesn't kick much more than a 22."

If you're gona whus out like that, admit it and at least shoot something like a 32.

They also hate it when I plink at the 50 yard steel plates.:D Makes them look bad.
sundance44s said:
Poof /Tink ...hahaha ..good one ! I like Boom / Clang myself !
Hawg Haggen said:
Me too, with a lot of smoke.

Same here, tis why I use 35gr. of FFFG in my 58's & 30 in my 60', at 10 yards & out to 50 I can keep a Coke can scared with an occasional dance from either revolver "good enough accuracy for me" & plenty of punch for those occasions where it'd be handy if need be.

Kinda reminds me of last fall where a Scout leader had a few pistols out at the range with a few boys ".38spl snub, 2 Glock 9mm, & a .22 Ruger Single Six" letting the boys plink if you may :rolleyes: & I had my 60 Army & my M1911A1 .45ACP well after a few rounds with the boys shooting the guy let me try one of his Glocks.
I commenced to follow the leader with it impressed of how it didn't kick & told him that it was a fine weapon.
I handed him my .45, after 2 shots he handed it back saying that it was more than he wanted & missed both shots!
I finished the mag off playing follow the leader with it, then I told him that I'm used to my weapons kicking back at me letting me know that I had unleashed something that will definitely leave a lasting impression.
130 grain 45 Colt bullet must look like a wadcutter. Looks like they'd flip like a dime at any range/distance. I've got some 165 grain ones and they're getting pretty short. I have used 200 grain rounds in competition. Whatever the weight, it still has to be .452" or .454" diameter or it isn't 45 Colt.
Hawg, if you want boom, I've got some 325 grain Buffalo Bore rounds, 45 Colt, that I shoot out of a Redhawk. Great on deer at 60 or 70 yards. Does have a scope on it, though. SASS #9662
130 grain 45 Colt bullet must look like a wadcutter.
Even worse, they will be wider than they are thick. A 45 cal round ball weighs about 143 grains.

The Lee 160 grain mold I have makes bullets that are as wide as they are thick. Good for plinking. The less I spend on lead, the more I can spend on other components.
The guys that go for that schtick are mostly using magnum primers and maybe a few particles(not grs.) of powder, hence the term poof tink. Only you don't hear the tink for a couple of seconds on a 7 yard target.