I've only seen this in the AG Russel catalog. It makes sense for those who cannot/refuse to sharpen thier pocket knives.

I am thinking of buying them for the guys I work with.

I'm tired of sharpening their knives;)


Good tool

If you have a need for a razor knife in your work or hobby, this is an excellent tool. VERY well made !
I've been thinking about getting a couple of those but haven't been able to find anybody's opinion on how they work.
Dillon's Blue Press Magazine

is where I ordered mine. 800/223-4570 $19.95 plus shipping

Very pleased with this product.......

This knife is for opening cardboard boxes and things of that nature
But I am curious, what do you cut with your knifes? Are your knifes defensive tools or of a surgical nature?

Or were you just being negative? :)
BMWGS80 don't you know that sharpening a knife will wear it out. I tell people that borrow my Old Timer to be careful and not bruise themselves with it.
Negative, no, not trying for negative. Ironic humor prehaps, but not negativity. After all, I'm the guy who carried a straight razor for years to dress rabbit with and this would have been a pretty good substitute. So many apologies to anyone offended by my dull humor.

And for what it's worth, about the only thing I use my knife for anymore is cleaning fingernails, and the razor knife is very ill equiped for such task.
Thanks OkieCruffler

.....OK, you were being serious. ;-) Well, that's different.
This is a failing of the Internet commumications,
mis-understanding anothers meaning, as words on a screen.

Many thanks for your clarification and keep on surfin' TFL....
I first saw this knife atthe SHOT show last year. I immediately bought a couple of hundred dollars worth and I sell them to the soldiers at Fort Campbell. What I think is neat is that soldiers use knives to open chow and cut 550 cord -- and are always loosing their knife (I know I did when I was in the Army). A simple knife that is always sharp and is inexpensive to replace -- this knife is a winner in my book.
Yeah RJ, I bought the Russell model...

I fell down the basement steps so many times that my wife, (She who MUST be OBEYED) ordered me to get a "laundry chute" put in. I had a carpenter come over and start work. After two days, I thought WOW! THIS is going to be EXPENSIVE!!! I quickly ordered the Russell model as a gift in hopes he'd take it easy on me when he set the bill. (He didn't!) However, this is going to work out WELL! I've got this idea for a great trick! I'll open the front door and park my truck out front so I can make a fast get-away. Then, I'll sneak back in the house when my wife is in the basement and drop a lit firecracker down the chute. Then, I'll run like the devil himself was after me! By the time the firecracker goes off, I should be in my truck and on the way down my street.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....SNICKER. If you guys don't hear from me, you'll know she caught and killed me.:D :D (MAN! This is one of the best ones I've EVER thought of.:D [snicker])

KR (I'm a dead man :))